Technology Intelligence Platform Datasets
This page specifies the data models used when downloading export data for Technology Intelligence Platform from the Query API.
Technology Intelligence Platform supports the following datasets from IT Visibility Datasets and you can find the details of their exports here:
Dataset | Source |
hardware_inventory | Hardware Inventory |
hardware_inventory_source | Hardware Inventory Source |
hardware_model_connectivity | Hardware Model Connectivity |
hardware_model_power | Hardware Model Power |
hardware_model_profile | Hardware Model Profile |
hardware_technopedia_lifecycle | Hardware Technopedia Lifecycle |
manufacturer_technopedia | Manufacturer Technopedia |
network_adapters | Network Adapters |
software_inventory | Software Inventory |
software_inventory_source | Software Inventory Source |
software_technopedia_lifecycle | Software Technopedia Lifecycle |
software_technopedia_lineage | Software Technopedia Lineage |
software_technopedia_release_platforms | Software Technopedia Release Platforms |
software_technopedia_versions | Software Technopedia Versions |
Hardware Technopedia, Software Technopedia, Business Services, Contextualized, ARL Alignment and Vulnerability datasets are also available. Unique to the Technology Intelligence Platform we have the ServiceNow Device, ServiceNow Software, ServiceNow Hardware Inventory and ServiceNow Software Inventory datasets. They are detailed below.
Important Note
Technology Intelligence Platform datasets are not backwards compatible with previous datasets from IT Visibility. Upgrading to Technology Intelligence Platform changes your vulnerability data source. Anywhere that a field exists in both datasets and is backwards compatible there will be a comment to indicate it is equivalent.
Data Models
Data is normalized into flat-file structures to be easily integrated with third-party systems.
Hardware Technopedia
Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
TechnopediaGUID | one_id | UUID | The unique Technopedia GUID for the hardware model or product. | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUID. |
TechnopediaGUIDType | one_type | String | The level/type the Technopedia ID is related to. This is primarily directed to the Type field except in the case of "owner" where it is directed to "manufacturer". | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUIDType. |
ManufacturerID | manufacturer_id | String | The unique identifier for manufacturer. | Backwards compatible to ManufacturerID. |
ManufacturerName | manufacturer_name | String | The hardware manufacturer's name. | Backwards compatible to ManufacturerName. |
ManufacturerTier | manufacturer_tier | Int | Represents the tier or level of the device manufacturer in the industry, indicating their market position. | Backwards compatible to ManufacturerTier. |
ProductID | product_id | String | Unique identifier for each hardware product. | Backwards compatible to ProductID. |
ProductName | product_name | String | The name of the hardware product. | Backwards compatible to ProductName. |
ProductIsDesupported | product_is_desupported | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating if the hardware product is desupported. | Backwards compatible to ProductIsDesupported. |
ProductIsDiscontinued | product_is_discontinued | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating if the hardware product is discontinued. | Backwards compatible to ProductIsDiscontinued. |
ModelID | model_id | String | The unique identifier for the hardware model. | Backwards compatible to ModelID. |
ModelName | model_name | String | The name of the hardware model, providing a human-readable label for identification. | Backwards compatible to ModelName. |
ModelSupportedOs | model_supported_os | String | The operating system(s) the device model supports, providing information about compatibility. | Backwards compatible to ModelSupportedOs. |
ModelIsDesupported | model_is_desupported | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the hardware model is no longer supported by the manufacturer. | Backwards compatible to ModelIsDesupported. |
ModelIsDiscontinued | model_is_discontinued | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the hardware model is no longer available for purchase. | Backwards compatible to ModelIsDiscontinued. |
CategoryGroup | category_group | String | Represents the group of categories within the hardware taxonomy, allowing for further categorization. | Backwards compatible to CategoryGroup. |
CategoryID | category_id | String | The unique identifier for the category. | Backwards compatible to CategoryID. |
Category | category | String | Represents the main category of the hardware, providing a general classification. | Backwards compatible to Category. |
SubcategoryID | subcategory_id | String | Unique identifier for each device taxonomy record. | Backwards compatible to SubcategoryID. |
Subcategory | subcategory | String | Represents the subcategory of the hardware, allowing for more specific categorization. | Backwards compatible to Subcategory. |
LegacyID | legacy_id | String | Data platform Legacy ID for hardware product/model. | Not present in previous dataset. |
OrgID | org | String | The unique identifier for the organization. |
Software Technopedia
Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
TechnopediaGUID | one_id | UUID | The normalized Technopedia catalog ID. | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUID. |
TechnopediaGUIDType | one_type | String | The level/type the Technopedia ID is related to. This is primarily directed to the Type field except in the case of "owner" where it is directed to "manufacturer". | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUIDType. |
ManufacturerID | manufacturer_id | String | The unique identifier for the software manufacturer. | Backwards compatible to ManufacturerID. |
ManufacturerName | manufacturer_name | String | The official name of the manufacturer of the software product. | Backwards compatible to ManufacturerName. |
ManufacturerTier | manufacturer_tier | Int | Represents the tier or level of the software manufacturer in the industry. | Backwards compatible to ManufacturerTier. |
ProductFamilyID | product_family_id | String | The unique identifier for the software family. | Backwards compatible to ProductFamilyID. |
ProductFamily | product_family_name | String | The name of the software product family, if applicable. | Backwards compatible to ProductFamily. |
ProductID | product_id | String | The unique identifier for the software product. | Backwards compatible to ProductID. |
Product | product_name | String | A concise version of the software product name, useful for quick identification. | Backwards compatible to Product. |
ProductName | product_application | String | The full name of the software product, providing a complete and official label. | Backwards compatible to ProductName. |
ProductCloud | product_cloud | String | Describes the deployment method of the software product, such as on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid. | Backwards compatible to ProductCloud. |
ProductIsDesupported | product_is_desupported | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is no longer supported by the vendor. | Backwards compatible to ProductIsDesupported. |
ProductIsDiscontinued | product_is_discontinued | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software product has been discontinued by the vendor. | Backwards compatible to ProductIsDiscontinued. |
ProductLicensable | product_licensable | String | The licensable flag at the product-level, summarizing the licensable flag at the lower release-level, indicating whether the software product is licensable or not (0 = Generally Unlicensable, 1 = Generally Licensable, 2 = Some Releases are Licensable, null = Undefined). | Backwards compatible to ProductLicensable. |
Component | product_component | String | Represents the component or module of the software product, offering more granular information. | Backwards compatible to Component. |
VersionGroup | market_version_name | String | The value of the Description Group. | Backwards compatible to VersionGroup. |
MarketVersionID | market_version_id | String | The unique identifier for market version. | Backwards compatible to MarketVersionID. |
MarketVersionOrder | market_version_order | Int | The number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular market version was released. | Backwards compatible to MarketVersionOrder. |
MarketVersionIsDesupported | market_version_is_desupported | Boolean | Indicates if the software version is no longer supported. | Backwards compatible to MarketVersionIsDesupported. |
MarketVersionIsDiscontinued | market_version_is_discontinued | Boolean | Indicates if the software version is no longer available. | Backwards compatible to MarketVersionIsDiscontinued. |
VersionID | version_id | String | Unique identifier for the software version. | Backwards compatible to VersionID. |
Version | version_name | String | Name of the software version. | Backwards compatible to Version. |
VersionLabel | version_stage | String | Stage of the software development cycle. | Backwards compatible to VersionLabel. |
VersionOrder | version_order | Int | Order number of the software version. | Backwards compatible to VersionOrder. |
VersionIsDesupported | version_is_desupported | Boolean | Indicates if the software version is no longer supported. | Backwards compatible to VersionIsDesupported. |
VersionIsDiscontinued | version_is_discontinued | Boolean | Indicates if the software version is no longer available. | Backwards compatible to VersionIsDiscontinued. |
PatchName | version_patch_level | String | The software patch name, if applicable. | Backwards compatible to PatchName. |
PatchLevel | version_patch_level | String | Patch level of the software version. | Backwards compatible to PatchLevel. |
EditionID | edition_id | String | Unique identifier for the software edition. | Backwards compatible to EditionID. |
Edition | edition_name | String | Name of the software edition, providing a human-readable label for identification. | Backwards compatible to Edition. |
EditionOrder | edition_order | Int | Represents the order in which the software editions were released, allowing tracking of progression and development. | Backwards compatible to EditionOrder. |
EditionIsDesupported | edition_is_desupported | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software edition is no longer supported by the vendor. | Backwards compatible to EditionIsDesupported. |
EditionIsDiscontinued | edition_is_discontinued | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software edition has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase or use. | Backwards compatible to EditionIsDiscontinued. |
ReleaseID | release_id | String | Unique identifier for each software release. | Backwards compatible to ReleaseID. |
Release | release_name | String | The full name of the software release. | Backwards compatible to Release. |
ReleaseCloud | release_cloud | String | Represents the deployment status of the software release. | Backwards compatible to ReleaseCloud. |
ReleaseIsDesupported | edition_is_desupported | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software release is desupported. | Backwards compatible to ReleaseIsDesupported. |
ReleaseIsDiscontinued | edition_is_discontinued | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software release is discontinued. | Backwards compatible to ReleaseIsDiscontinued. |
ReleasePlatformID | release_platform_id | String | The unique identifier for Release Platform. | Backwards compatible to ReleasePlatformID. |
ReleasePlatformLabel | release_platform_label | String | The name of the Release Platform | Backwards compatible to ReleasePlatformLabel. |
ReleasePlatformType | release_platform_type | String | The Release Platform Type. | Backwards compatible to ReleasePlatformType. |
CategoryGroup | category_group | String | Further categorizes the software into groups, such as "Windows" or "MacOS". | Backwards compatible to CategoryGroup. |
CategoryID | category_id | String | The unique identifier for the taxonomy parent name. | Backwards compatible to CategoryID. |
Category | category | String | Represents the top-level category of software, such as "Operating Systems" or "Productivity Software". | Backwards compatible to Category. |
SubcategoryID | subcategory_id | String | The unique identifier for the software taxonomy record. | Backwards compatible to SubcategoryID. |
Subcategory | subcategory | String | Represents the most specific level of categorization, such as "Microsoft Office" or "Google Workspace". | Backwards compatible to Subcategory. |
FamilyIsDesupported | family_is_desupported | String | A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). | Backwards compatible to FamilyIsDesupported. |
FamilyIsDiscontinued | family_is_discontinued | String | A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. | Backwards compatible to FamilyIsDiscontinued. |
IsLicenseable | release_is_licensable | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is licensable, allowing users to purchase licenses for its use. | Not backwards compatible to IsLicenseable. |
IsSuite | product_is_suite | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is a suite of related products, offering a more comprehensive solution. | Backwards compatible to IsSuite. |
IsMajor | release_is_major | Boolean | Indicates if the software version is a major release. | Backwards compatible to IsMajor. |
MajorSoftwareReleaseId | major_software_release_id | String | If it is not the Major Release, this identifies the Release ID of a particular row's Major Release. | Backwards compatible to MajorSoftwareReleaseId. |
IsFamilyInFullName | is_family_in_full_name | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is part of a larger family, allowing for easy identification of related products. | Backwards compatible to IsFamilyInFullName. |
LegacyID | legacy_id | String | Data platform Legacy ID for software product/release. | Not present in previous dataset. |
OrgID | org | String | The unique identifier for the organization. |
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
Opcode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
VulnerabilityID | Id | string | The unique identifier for vulnerability. | Not backwards compatible. Maps to VulnerabilityID in Vulnerability Advisory and Vulnerability KB Article. |
HardwareID | device_id | string | Identifier for the device the vulnerability is associated with. | Backwards compatible to HardwareID. |
SoftwareID | software_id | string | Identifier for the installed software the vulnerability is associated with. | Backwards compatible to SoftwareID or InstalledSoftwareID. |
TechnopediaProductID | product_id | string | Identifier for the product the vulnerability is associated with. | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUID. |
TechnopediaVersionID | version_id | string | Identifier for the version of the software the vulnerability is associated with. | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUID. |
TechnopediaEditionID | edition_id | string | Identifier for the edition of the software the vulnerability is associated with. | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUID. |
TechnopediaReleaseID | release_id | string | Identifier for the release of the software the vulnerability is associated with. | Backwards compatible to TechnopediaGUID. |
CveID | cve_id | string | Identifier for the cve the vulnerability is associated with. | Maps to CVE ID field in Vulnerability CVE and in Vulnerability CPE. Present in previous datasets, not backwards compatible. |
CveTitle | cve_title | string | Actual CVE number the vulnerability is associated with. | Not in previous dataset. |
CvePublishDate | cve_publish_date | string | Publish date of CVE | Not in previous dataset. |
CvssScore | cvss_score | float64 | Rating value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). | Not in previous dataset. |
AttackVector | attack_vector | string | Translation of the numeric indicator in attack vector where: 1: From remote, 2: From local network, 3: Local system. | Present in previous dataset under different name, not backwards compatible. |
Criticality | criticality | int64 | Numeric score for the vulnerability criticality ranges from 1 - 5. | Not in previous dataset. |
CriticalityLabel | criticality_label | string | Translation of the numeric score in criticality, where: 1: Extremely Critical, 2: Highly Critical, 3: Moderately Critical, 4: Less Critical, 5: Not Critical. | Present in previous datasets, not backwards compatible. |
ThreatExploitRiskLevel | threat_exploit_risk_level | int64 | Numeric score for the threat score ranges from 1 – 7 | Present in previous datasets, not backwards compatible. |
ThreatExportRiskLabel | threat_exploit_risk_label | string | Represents the risk level of exploited threat. | Present in previous datasets, not backwards compatible. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
Vulnerability CPE
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
VulnerabilityCpeRecordID | id | string | The unique identifier for the vulnerability cpe. | Not present in previous datasets. |
VulnerabilityID | vulnerability_id | string | Identifier for the Vulnerability the advisory is associated with. | Not backwards compatible. Maps to VulnerabilityID in Vulnerability and Vulnerability KB Article. |
CpeID | cpe_id | string | The unique identifier for the CPE | Present in previous datasets, not backwards compatible. |
CpeUri | cpe_uri | string | Representation of URI for CPE which includes a formal name format, method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding. | Present in previous datasets, not backwards compatible. |
SoftwareID | software_id | string | Identifier for the installed software the vulnerability cpe is associated with. | Backwards compatible to SoftwareID or InstalledSoftwareID. |
CpeTitle | cpe_title | string | Representation of URI for CPE which includes a formal name format, method for checking names against a system. | Not present in previous datasets. |
CveID | cve_id | string | Identifier for the CVE the advisory is associated with. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
Vulnerability CVE
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
CveID | Id | string | The unique identifier for the CVE. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
CveTitle | cve_title | string | Actual CVE number for the Vulnerability. | Not present in previous dataset. |
CvssScore | cvss_score | float64 | Rating value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
CvssVersion | cvss_version | string | Version according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). | Not present in previous dataset. |
CvssVector | cvss_vector | float64 | Base Vector value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). | Not present in previous dataset. |
MalwareNames | malware_names | string | Comma separated list of Malware Names. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
CveRules | cve_rules | string | Comma separated list of the threat rules for CVE | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
ThreatScore | threat_score | string | Threat score generated by in-house logic based on the exploited rules for all CVEs references in the advisory. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
Vulnerability Advisory
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
VulnerabilityAdvisoryRecordID | id | string | The unique identifier for the vulnerability advisory. | Not present in previous datasets. |
VulnerabilityID | vulnerability_id | string | Identifier for the Vulnerability the advisory is associated with. | Not backwards compatible. Maps to VulnerabilityID in Vulnerability and Vulnerability KB Article. |
VulnerabilityAdvisoryID | advisory_id | string | The unique identifier for the Secunia Advisory id. | Not present in previous datasets. |
SecuniaAdvisoryID | sa_id | string | Identifier for the secunia advisory associated with. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
SoftwareID | software_id | string | Identifier for the installed software the vulnerability advisory is associated with. | Backwards compatible to SoftwareID or InstalledSoftwareID. |
ThreatScore | threat_score | int64 | Composite score for the Security Advisory, calculated from various criteria and their associated values. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
SolutionStatus | solution_status | string | Solution status of the associated vulnerability. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
Revision | revision | string | Revising status of the associated Advisory | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
Title | title | string | Title of the associated Advisory. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
CveID | cve_id | string | Identifier for the CVE the advisory is associated with. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
AdvisoryUrl | said_url | string | URL for that Specific Secunia Advisory Id. | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
Vulnerability KB Article
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
KbArticleID | id | string | The unique identifier for the kb article. | Present in previous dataset under different name, not backwards compatible. |
CreatedOn | created_on | string | Date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM. | Not present in previous dataset. |
Description | description | string | Description of kbArticle. | Present in previous dataset under different name, not backwards compatible. |
Heading | heading | string | Title of kbArticle. | Present in previous dataset under different name, not backwards compatible. |
KbArticle | kb_article | int64 | The kbArticle Information | Not previous in previous dataset. |
KbArticleVulnTrackID | kb_article_vt_id | int64 | Identifier for kbArticle in VulnTrack/SVM. | Not previous in previous dataset. |
ManufacturerID | manufacturer_id | string | Identifier for Manufacturer | Not previous in previous dataset. |
PublishedOn | published_on | string | Date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM | Present in previous dataset, not backwards compatible. |
ReplacementID | replacement_id | string | Identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion. | Not previous in previous dataset. |
VulnID | vuln_id | int64 | Numeric characters from SAID. | Not previous in previous dataset. |
VulnerabilityID | vulnerability_id | string | Identifier for the vulnerability associated with kb article | Maps to VulnerabilityID in Vulnerability and Vulnerability Advisory. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
ServiceNow Device
The servicenow_device dataset contains the information on the hardware devices identified by servicenow. If you do not have ServiceNow as a datasource then this file will contain 0 rows.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
Opcode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
HardwareID | id | string | Internal identifier for the hardware. | |
HardwareDataSources | device_datasources | string | Describes the data source associated with the hardware. | |
SysID | sys_id | string | Identifier for the machine associated with the hardware source. | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
ServiceNow Software
The servicenow_software dataset contains the information on the software identified by servicenow. If you do not have ServiceNow as a datasource then this file will contain 0 rows.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
Opcode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
SoftwareID | id | string | Internal identifier for the software. | |
SoftwareDataSources | software_datasources | string | Describes the data source associated with the software install. | |
SysID | sys_id | string | Identifier for the installation associated with the software source. | |
DeviceSysID | device_sys_id | string | Identifier for the machine associated with the software source. | Maps to ServiceNow Devices dataset SysID |
Sequence | sequence | int | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
ServiceNow Hardware Inventory
The servicenow_hardware_inventory dataset contains an optimized set of hardware inventory that meets the specific requirements of ServiceNow Integration App.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
OpCode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
HardwareID | id | string | Internal identifier for the hardware. | |
HDDTotalSpace | hdd_total_space | double | Computer HDD total in GB. | "hardware_inventory" dataset provides this in bytes. |
InventoryDate | inventory_date | timestamp | Inventory Date value. | |
LastLoggedInUser | last_loggedon_user | string | The last logged in user. | |
MachineName | name | string | The machine name. | |
NumberOfProcessorCores | number_of_cores | int | Number of Processor Cores. | |
NumberOfProcessors | number_of_processors | int | The number of processors in the computer. | |
OSProduct | os_product | string | Identifier for the device operating system product. | |
OsName | os_name | string | The name of the operating system. | |
HardwareCategory | category | string | Main category of the device, providing a general classification. | |
HardwareSubcategory | subcategory | string | Group of categories within the device taxonomy, allowing for further categorization. | |
ProcessorClockSpeedMhz | max_clock_speed | int | The Processor Clock Speed in MHZ. | |
ProcessorName | processor_name | string | The Processor Name information. | |
SerialNumber | serial_number | string | The computer serial number. | |
TechnopediaGUID | technopedia_guid | string | The normalized Technopedia catalog ID. | |
TotalMemory | total_memory | double | Total memory allocated to the computer in MB. | |
Domain | domain | string | Computer domain name. | |
OSSoftwareCategory | os_category | int | Top-level category of software, such as Operating Systems or Productivity Software. | |
OSSoftwareSubcategory | os_subcategory | string | Most specific level of categorization, such as Microsoft Office or Google Workspace | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
ServiceNow Software Inventory
The servicenow_software_inventory dataset contains an optimized set of software inventory that meets the specific requirements of ServiceNow Integration App.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
OpCode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
SoftwareID | id | string | The unique identifier in Software. | |
HardwareID | device_id | string | The unique identifier in Hardware. | |
TechnopediaGUID | technopedia_guid | string | The unique Technopedia ID for Software Inventory. | |
MachineName | machine_name | string | The machine name. | |
SerialNumber | serial_number | string | The computer serial number. | |
HardwareCategory | device_category | string | Main category of the device, providing a general classification. | |
HardwareSubcategory | device_subcategory | string | Group of categories within the device taxonomy, allowing for further categorization. | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
Hardware Contextualized
The hardware_contextualized dataset contains information on contextualize data for given hardware device.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
HardwareID | id | string | The unique identifier for Hardware. | |
Location | location | string | The hardware location. | |
CostCenter | cost_center | string | The cost center the hardware belongs to, as defined by the customer. | |
BusinessUnit | business_unit | string | The business unit the hardware belongs to, as defined by the customer. | |
Status | status | string | The current status of Hardware Contextualized. | |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The sequence number value. |
Device Mashup
The device_mashup dataset contains information on mashup data for given hardware.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
OpCode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. | |
ID | id | string | The unique identifier for mashup data. | |
OwnerID | owner_id | string | The unique identifier in the owner type. | |
HardwareID | owner_id | string | The unique identifier in Hardware. | |
OwnerType | owner_type | string | The owner for the owner ID. | |
Key | key | int | The name of the custom mashup property. | |
Value | value | string | The value for the custom property. | |
MashupSourceID | mashup_source_id | string | The unique ID for the source in contextual data store. | |
MashupSourceName | mashup_source_name | string | The name for the source in contextual data store. | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The sequence number value. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
Software Mashup
The software_mashup dataset contains information on mashup data for given software.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
OpCode | _op_code | string | The opcode type of an event. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. | |
ID | id | string | The unique identifier for mashup data. | |
OwnerID | owner_id | string | The unique identifier in the owner type. | |
SoftwareTechnopediaID | owner_id | string | The unique identifier in Software Technopedia. | |
OwnerType | owner_type | string | The owner for the owner ID. | |
Key | key | int | The name of the custom mashup property. | |
Value | value | string | The value for the custom property. | |
MashupSourceID | mashup_source_id | string | The unique ID for the source in contextual data store. | |
MashupSourceName | mashup_source_name | string | The name for the source in contextual data store. | |
Sequence | sequence | int | The sequence number value. | Only present in the delta downloads. |
ARL Alignment
The arl_alignment dataset establishes a mapping between Flexera’s Legacy Technopedia IDs in Data Platform, Technopedia IDs in IT Visibility, and ARL IDs. This ensures consistency and accuracy in software asset management.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. |
IDArl | arl_id | string | The unique identifier for Arl Alignment. |
IDLegacy | data_platform_id | string | The Data Platform ID for Arl Alignment. |
SoftwareProductIDLegacy | software_product_data_platform_id | string | The Software Product ID from Data Platform. |
SoftwareProductID | software_product_id | string | The Software Product ID. |
SoftwareReleaseIDLegacy | software_release_data_platform_id | string | The Software Release ID from Data Platform. |
SoftwareReleaseID | software_release_id | string | The Software Release ID. |
Hardware Business Services
The device_business_services dataset contains information about the various services that are available for each device in the inventory. It includes details such as the service ID, device ID, and the service name. This table can be used to understand the range of services available for each device, and to identify the specific services that are being used by the business.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
HardwareID | device_id | string | The hardware business service belongs to. | Backwards compatible to HardwareID. |
BusinessServiceID | service_id | string | The unique ID of the business service inside Flexera One. | Backwards compatible to BusinessServiceID. |
BusinessService | name | string | The departmental business service name as provided by RISC/customer. | Backwards compatible to BusinessService. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. Annotated by Rocket | Backwards compatible to OrgID. |
Business Services Applications
The business_services_applications dataset contains information about various business services and applications. It includes details such as the service name, owner, department, description, and group type. This data can be used to understand the different services available, their purpose and their respective owners.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
ServiceID | service_id | string | The unique ID of the business service inside Flexera One. | Backwards compatible to ServiceID. |
Name | name | string | The Business Service Application Name. | Backwards compatible to Name. |
Owner | owner | string | The Business Service Application Owner. | Backwards compatible to Owner. |
Department | department | string | The Business Service Application Department. | Backwards compatible to Department. |
Description | description | string | The Business Service Application Description. | Backwards compatible to Description. |
GroupType | group_type | string | The Business Service Application Group Type. | Backwards compatible to GroupType. |
Tags | tags | string | The Business Service Application Tag. | Backwards compatible to Tags. |
URL | url_to_risc_stack | string | The Business Service Application URl. | Backwards compatible to BusinURLessServiceID. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. Annotated by Rocket | Backwards compatible to OrgID. |
Business Services Assets
The business_services_assets dataset contains information about the assets associated with various business services. It includes details such as the asset ID, service ID, location, and tags. Additionally, it provides information about any dependent assets.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
AssetID | asset_id | string | The Business Service Asset identifier. | Backwards compatible to AssetID. |
ServiceID | service_id | string | The unique ID of the business service inside Flexera One. | Backwards compatible to ServiceID. |
Location | location | string | The Business Service Asset Location. | Backwards compatible to Location. |
Tags | tags | string | The Business Service Asset Tag. | Backwards compatible to Tags. |
DependentAssets | dependent_asset_id | string | The Dependent Assets under Business Service Assets. | Backwards compatible to DependentAssets. |
OrgID | org | string | The unique identifier for the organization. Annotated by Rocket | Backwards compatible to OrgID. |
Business Services Dependent Applications
The business_services_dependent_applications dataset outlines the dependencies between different business services and their associated applications. It includes details about the services involved, their respective dependent services, and whether they are critical to the overall functioning of the business.
Export Column Name | Lakehouse Column | Type | Description | Comment |
ServiceID | service_id | string | The unique ID of the business service inside Flexera One. | Backwards compatible to ServiceID. |
DependentServiceID | dependent_service_id | string | The Dependent Service identifier. | Backwards compatible to DependentServiceID. |
Critical | critical | string | Critical Value for Business Service Dependent Applications. | Backwards compatible to Critical. |