SaaS Data Payloads for Discovered Application usage

Utilize the following SaaS Data payload in order to load discovered application usage data into a managed application.

  • Discovered Application Usage - Use this task to load an discovered application usage data into a managed application.

Supported Task - Discovered Application usage

The discovered application usage lists the applications usage data for an instance of an application.

Task Name

Task Name Version
DiscoveredAppUsage 1

Load Types Supported

full - only full load is supported.

JSON Description

JSON Field Name Display Name Required Description Type Example
name Name Y Name of the discovered application. String "Microsoft Teams"
category Category N The vendor specified category of the application. String "onlineMeetings"
uploadBytes Upload Bytes N Number of bytes uploaded within the usage period. Integer 2095692
downloadBytes Download Bytes N Number of bytes downloaded within the usage period. Integer 189334044
transactionCount Transaction Count N Total transactional count within the usage period. Integer 1020
appId AppId N The vendor app id. String "28375"
firstUsed First Used N The first time the application was used. ISO-8601 / UTC 2020-01-20T18:25:43.511Z
lastUsed Last Used N The last time the application was used. ISO-8601 / UTC 2024-02-20T18:25:43.511Z
userCount User Count N Total user count within the usage period. Integer 1500
ipAddressCount IPAddress Count N Total ipaddress count within the usage period. Integer 1000
deviceCount Device Count N Total device count within the usage period. Integer 1000
applicationStatus Application Status N The status of the application. String "Sanctioned"
applicationRiskIndex Application Risk Index N The risk index of the application. Float 7.00
supportedCertifications Supported Certifications N List of security certifications associated with the application. Array of String ["ENT-456", "ISO_27018"]
vulnerability Vulnerability N Determines whether the application has published Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). String Allowed Values are "Yes" or "No" or "Unknown"
integrationRisks Integration Risks N The total number of risky attributes associated with the application and its third-party integrations specified by the integration provider. Float 25.00
sessions Sessions N This field represents the total number of sessions or interactions established with the discovered application. Integer 335876
averageDuration Average Duration N This field represents the average session duration of the discovered application. The value will be converted to seconds. String "1h 2m 5s" or "2m 5s" or "2s" or "5"
platforms Platforms N This field represents the total number of platforms or devices accessed by the discovered application. Integer 8
destinations Destinations N This field represents the total number of destinations or endpoints accessed by the discovered application. Integer 48
allowedUrls Allowed URLs N This list of URLs or IP addresses that is permitted or authorized for accessing the discovered application. Array of String ["", ""]
embeddedUrls Embedded URLs N This list of embedded URLs associated with the discovered application. Array of String ["", ""]
domains Domains N This list of domains associated with the discovered application. Array of String ["", ""]
defaultTags Default Tags N The list of default tags associated with the discovered application. Array of String ["Production", "Development"]
ignoreTags Ignore Tags N The list of ignore tags associated with the discovered application. Array of String ["Template", "Sandbox"]
customTags Custom Tags N The list of custom tags associated with the discovered application. Array of String ["Business Unit", "Cost Center"]

Task Example

Note: Newlines were added for readability. Each entry should reside on its own line and below example does not use all of the fields available. See above.

    "data": [
            "name" : "Microsoft Teams",
            "category": "onlineMeetings",
            "uploadBytes": 2095692,
            "downloadBytes": 189334044,
            "transactionCount": 1020,
            "appId": "28375",
            "firstUsed" : "2020-01-20T18:25:43.511Z",
            "lastUsed": "2024-02-20T18:25:43.511Z",
            "userCount" : 1500,
            "ipAddressCount" : 1000,
            "deviceCount" : 1000,
            "applicationStatus" : "Sanctioned",
            "applicationRiskIndex" : 7.00,
            "supportedCertifications" : ["ENT-456", "ISO_27018"],
            "vulnerability" : "No",
            "integrationRisks" : 25.00,
            "sessions" : 335876,
            "averageDuration" : "1h 2m 5s",
            "platforms" : 8,
            "destinations" : 48,
            "allowedUrls" : ["", ""],
            "embeddedUrls" : ["", ""],
            "domains" : ["", ""],
            "defaultTags" : ["Production", "Development"],
            "ignoreTags" : ["Template", "Sandbox"],
            "customTags" : ["Business Unit", "Cost Center"]