SaaS Data Payloads for Single Applications

Utilize the following SaaS Data payloads in order to load data into managed applications.

  • Application Roster - Use this task to load an application roster (users) into a mananaged application.
  • Application Usage - Use this task to load usage (events) into a managed application.

Supported Task - Application Roster

The application roster lists the users for an instance of an application.

Task Name

Task Name Version
ApplicationRoster 1

Load Types Supported

  • full - The dataset is considered the full dataset at this moment in time. When loaded, the system compares the current dataset to the previously loaded dataset. All of the users within the intersection remain the same or are updated, all other app users previously in the old dataset have their deactivatedAt date set to the time of the data load, and all new users are inserted into the data store.

  • incremental - The dataset is only users that have changed since the previous data load. Essentially, an upsert is performed with all users within the dataset. Please note this requires the deactivatedAt date to be set if you wish to know if and when a user has been deactivated.

Note: If you include SKUs in your data payload, the load type will only default to full and ignore any load type passed in.

JSON Description

JSON Field Name Display Name Required Description Type Example
uniqueId Unique Id Y User's unique ID that is usually the same as the user’s email Alphanumeric 94123. Or email: “”
email Email Y User's email String
firstName First Name Y User's First Name String Gavin
middleName Middle Name N User's Middle Name String John
lastName Last Name Y User's Last Name String Belson
skus SKUs N The Array of SKUs (or Licenses) assigned to a user. SKUs are used for license differentiation. Array of String "ACROBAT_PRO_DC", "ADOBE_ANALYTICS"
activatedAt Active Date Y Date the user's subscription was made active ISO-8601 / UTC 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z
deactivatedAt Deactivated Date N (See note) Date the user's subscription was made inactive ISO-8601 / UTC 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z

Note: The deactivatedAt field is required if the data load is incremental and there is a desire to know if and when a person has been deactivated.

Important: A stock-keeping unit (SKU) is a standardized value provided by the software vendor. The app user requires valid SKU identifiers to provide string identifiers for product names. For an example, refer to Microsoft’s Product Names and Service Plan Identifiers for Licensing.

Task Example

Note: Newlines were added for readability. Each entry should reside on its own line.

    "uniqueId": "3470c8a8-475d-427d-92fb-1c831c975b5f",
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "George",
    "lastName": "Washington",
    "middleName": "",
    "activatedAt": "2020-03-05T15:56:53.889Z",
    "deactivatedAt": "2020-03-15T15:56:53.889Z"

Supported Task - Application Usage (Events)

Application Usage represents all of the events within an application. At a minimum, the data should represent every application access event.

Task Name

Task Name Version
ApplicationUsage 1

Load Types Supported

incremental - only incremental load is supported.

JSON Description

JSON Field Name Display Name Required Description Type Example
uniqueId Unique Id Y User's unique ID that is usually the same as the user’s email Alphanumeric 94123. Or email: “”
occurredAt Event Time Y Date and time when the event took place ISO-8601 / UTC 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z
notes Notes N Description of the event. This field is not required but recommended. String login

Task Example

Note: Newlines were added for readability. Each entry should reside on its own line. This example contains two entries.

    "uniqueId": "3470c8a8-475d-427d-92fb-1c831c975b5f",
    "occurredAt": "2020-03-15T15:56:53.889Z",
    "notes" : "login"
    "uniqueId": "006b223b-5531-41f2-9e01-420c5efe663b",
    "occurredAt": "2020-01-20T01:56:53.889Z",
    "notes" : "downloaded Legal Document"