
Flexera One APIs that return large datasets use pagination (paging) to divide results into smaller chunks that are returned more quickly, and are more easily consumed by a client.

Cursor-based pagination is the primary pagination scheme implemented by Flexera One APIs. This scheme scales well with the typically large datasets Flexera's APIs provide. Cursor-based pagination works by returning a pointer to the next page within the response.

Next Page

Flexera One APIs that support pagination return their data within the given envelope as seen here:

  "values": [...],
  "nextPage": "{url-to-next-page}",

If the API supports pagination and there is a next page of data, the nextPage field of the response will contain a link to the next page. If there are no subsequent pages to the response, the field will not be returned.

Previous Page

Some Flexera One APIs support a pointer to the previously fetched page of data (previousPage). Refer to the API documentation for the API you are integrating with in order to determine if the previous page pointer is supported.

  "values": [...],
  "nextPage": "{url-to-next-page}",
  "previousPage": "{url-to-previous-page}"