
Name Content Pack
ArlAlignment ARL
Cpe Vulnerability
Cve Vulnerability
HardwareFamily Base
HardwareLifecycle Lifecycle and Support
HardwareModel Base
HardwareModelConnectivity Hardware Specifications
HardwareModelPower Hardware Specifications
HardwareModelProfile Hardware Specifications
HardwareProduct Base
KbArticle Vulnerability
Manufacturer Base
Platform Base
ScaOpenSource OpenSource
ServiceNowClassMapping ServiceNow
SoftwareEdition Base
SoftwareFamily Base
SoftwareLifecycle Lifecycle and Support
SoftwareMarketVersion Base
SoftwareProduct Base
SoftwareProductLink Base
SoftwareRelease Base
SoftwareReleaseLink Base
SoftwareReleasePlatform Base
SoftwareVersion Base
Taxonomy Base
TechnopediaVersion Base
Threat Threat
ThreatRule Vulnerability
Vulnerability Vulnerability

Dataset Details


A list of ArlAlignments

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id One or more ArlAlignment GUIDs String
idArl The unique identifier for ArlAlignment String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for ArlAlignment Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
softwareProductId SoftwareProduct Id String
softwareProductIdLegacy SoftwareProduct TP Id Int legacy
softwareReleaseId SoftwareReleaseId String
softwareReleaseIdLegacy SoftwareRelease TP Id Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
softwareRelease The Software Release of the ArlAlignment SoftwareRelease



A list of Cpes

Field Description Type Pack/Term
cpeEdition Edition component of CPE URI String
cpeLanguage Language component of CPE URI String
cpePart The component of the CPE URI. Values: s = software, o = operating systems, h = hardware String
cpeProduct The product component of the CPE URI String
cpeTitle The generic syntax for the CPE URI. This includes a formal name format, a method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding String
cpeUpdate Update component of CPE URI String
cpeVendor The vendor component of the CPE URI String
cpeVersion The version component of the CPE URI String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in TP String
createdDateVt The date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM String
cveCount The total number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) entries that are associated with, or affecting this CPE Int
cvssScoreMax The Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score amongst all CVE entries that are associated with this CPE String
cvssSeverityMax The Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) severity amongst all CVE entries that are associated with this CPE Int
definition The title or name of the software operating system or hardware product for which the CPE URI is assigned. This refers to 'ns1:title' column in CPE Dictionary (which is published by the NVD) String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
deprecatedByNvdId NvdId of the CPE that deprecates this particular CPE Int
editionVt The edition name of the VulnTrack/SVM product being associated with this CPE String
id The unique identifier for cpe String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia unique identifier for cpe Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
lastUpdatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
nvdId The ID assigned to CPEs by NVD Int
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
titleLanguageVt The language of the title (coming from VulnTrack/SVM) String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
updatedDateVt The date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM String
uri The generic syntax for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) for Common Platform Enumeration (CPE). This includes a formal name format, a method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding. This is for version 2.2 (the old version) String
uri23 uri23 String
cves The cve for the CPE Cve
hardwareModels The HardwareModels of CPE HardwareModel
softwareReleases The SoftwareReleases of CPE SoftwareRelease



A list of Cves

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in TP String
cveId The unique identifier for CVE String
cvePublishDate The Cve Publish Date String
cvss3Score Version 3 of the CVSS score. It takes precedence over the old version (version 2) scores if both are provided String
cvss3Vector The vector attribute according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS3) String
cvss4Score Version 4 of the CVSS score. It takes precedence over the old versions (versions 2 and 3) scores if all are provided String
cvss4Vector The vector attribute according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS4) String
cvssScore The rating value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) String
cvssSeverity The cvssSeverity for cves String
cvssVector The vector attribute according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for cve String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
malwareNames List of Malware Names String
nvdPublishDate The Nvd Publish Date for CVEs String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
summary The summary of the cves String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
threatRules The threat rules for CVE Int
threatScore The threat score generated by in-house logic based on the exploited rules for all CVEs references in the advisory String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
cpes The cpe for the Vulnerability Cpe
rules The threat rule details of cve ThreatRule



A list of HardwareFamilies

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for hardware family String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name The brand, product line, or family the hardware belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of hardware offerings; if applicable String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String



A list of HardwareLifecycles

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
generalAvailability The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor String
generalAvailabilityDate The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions; in standardized date format String
generalAvailabilityException The reason why the general availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Values include: •Date not published by vendor •Support policy not defined by vendor •Exact date unknown (a date range is provided) •Contract-based support only (no specific date) •Open-source support only (no specific date) •Limited, self-help support only (no specific date) •Date in the past (exact date unknown) •To be determined •Other String
id The unique identifier for hardware lifeCycle String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware lifecycle Int legacy
introduction The date the hardware was introduced/ announced, and captured the way it was published by the vendor String
introductionDate The date the hardware was introduced/ announced, in standardized date format String
introductionException The reason why the introduction date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently provided. Similar values as the ‘Introduction Exception’ above. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
lastAvailability The last date in which the hardware is available for purchase from the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor String
lastAvailabilityDate The last date in which the hardware is available for purchase from the vendor, in standardized date format String
lastAvailabilityException The reason why the last availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above String
obsolete The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support String
obsoleteDate The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, in standardized date format. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support String
obsoleteException A reason why the obsolete date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in Tp Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
hardwareModel The HardwareModel of the HardwareLifecycle HardwareModel



A list of HardwareModels

Field Description Type Pack/Term
cloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for hardware model String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware model Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name The model name/number of the hardware product String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
supportedOs The list of supported operating systems that can be run on the device. String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
hardwareLifecycle The HardwareLifecycle of the HardwareModel HardwareLifecycle
hardwareModelConnectivities The HardwareModelConnectivity of the HardwareModel HardwareModelConnectivity
hardwareModelPower The HardwareModelPower of the HardwareModel HardwareModelPower
hardwareModelProfiles The HardwareModelProfile of the HardwareModel HardwareModelProfile
hardwareProduct The HardwareProduct of the HardwareModel HardwareProduct



A list of HardwareModel Connectivity

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for hardware model connectivity String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for Hardware Model Connectivity Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name Connectivity information String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
standard The 'Standard' attribute with the description 'E.g.: IEEE 802.3 etc.' String
standardVersion The 'Standard' Version's unique identifier String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
type ConnectivityType String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
hardwareModel The Hardware Model of the Connectivity HardwareModel



A list of HardwareModelPowers

Field Description Type Pack/Term
acCurrentHighMax Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The maximum current when the voltage switch is turned on the high range setting Float
acCurrentHighMin Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum current when the voltage switch is turned on to the high range setting' Float
acCurrentLowMax Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The maximum current when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
acCurrentLowMin Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum current when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
acFrequencyMax The manufacturer's suggested AC input requirements, i.e. the maximum frequency (whether the voltage switch is turned on low/high or when the device has no voltage switch). Float
acFrequencyMin The manufacturer's suggested AC input requirements, i.e. the minimum frequency (whether the voltage switch is turned on low/high or when the device has no voltage switch). Float
acHeatDissipationAverage The average amount of heat per-unit of time generated by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to AC power (in BTU/hr). String
acHeatDissipationMax The peak or maximum amount of heat per-units of time generated by the device during typical usage when it is hooked up to AC power (in BTU/hr). String
acPhase The phase of the AC. Int
acPowerAverage The average amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to AC power (in watt or voltamp). String
acPowerAverageUnit The unit for AC_POWER_AVG column(watt or volt-amp). String
acPowerMax The peak or maximum amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device when it is hooked up to AC power (in watt or volt-amp). String
acPowerMaxUnit The unit for the AC_POWER_MAX column (watt or volt-amp). String
acVoltageHighMax Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The maximum voltage when the voltage switch is turned on to the high range setting. Float
acVoltageHighMin Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum voltage when the voltage switch is turned to on the high range setting' Float
acVoltageLowMax Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements:The maximum voltage when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
acVoltageLowMin Manufacturer's suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum voltage when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
batteryLife Hours of possible battery life. Int
batteryType Battery Type. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
dcCurrentHigh The manufacturer's suggested DC input requirements, i.e. the current when the voltage switch is turned on the high setting. Float
dcCurrentLow The manufacturer's suggested DC input requirements, i.e. the current when the voltage switch is turned on the low setting or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage). Float
dcHeatDissipationAverage The average amount of heat per-unit of time generated by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to DC power (in BTU/hr). String
dcHeatDissipationMax The peak or maximum amount of heat per-unit of time generated by the device when it is hooked up to DC power (in BTU/hr). String
dcPowerAverage The average amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device during typical use when it is hooked up String
dcPowerMax The peak or maximum amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device when it is hooked up to DC power (in watt or volt-amp). String
dcVoltageHigh The manufacturer's suggested DC input requirement, i.e. the voltage when the voltage switch is turned on the high setting. Float
dcVoltageLow The manufacturer's suggested DC input requirements, i.e. the voltage when the voltage switch is turned on the low setting or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage). Float
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
emergencyPower Listing of the emergency power. String
epeat This is a flag to indicate which EPEAT certification the device has earned: Gold, Silver, or Bronze. String
hasDedicatedCircuit Listing of the dedicated circuit. String
id The unique identifier for hardware model power String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for hwModelPower Int legacy
isEnergyStar This is a flag to indicate whether the device has earned the Energy Star certification or not String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
nonOperatingHumidityMax The manufacturer's suggested peak or maximum humidity (percentage) of the device when it is non-operational or in storage. Float
nonOperatingHumidityMin The manufacturer's suggested minimum humidity (percentage) of the device when it is non-operational or in storage. Float
nonOperatingTemperatureMax The manufacturer's suggested peak or maximum temperature of the device when it is non-operational or in storage (in Fahrenheit). Float
nonOperatingTemperatureMin The manufacturer's suggested minimum temperature of the device when it is non-operational or in storage (in Fahrenheit). Float
operatingHumidityMax The manufacturer's suggested peak or maximum humidity (percentage) of the device during operation. Float
operatingHumidityMin The manufacturer's suggested minimum humidity (percentage) of the device during operation. Float
operatingTemperatureMax The manufacturer's suggested peak or maximum temperature of the device during operation (in Fahrenheit). Float
operatingTemperatureMin The manufacturer's suggested minimum temperature of the device during operation (in Fahrenheit). Float
plugType Plug Type (NEMA). String
powerRating The summary of the device's various power ratings: Voltage, Frequency, and Current. String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
hardwareModel The HardwareModel of the HardwareModelPower HardwareModel



A list of HardwareModelProfiles

Field Description Type Pack/Term
boreSize Bore Size in inches Float
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
depthMax The minimum depth of the device (in inches) Float
depthMin The minimum depth of the device (in inches) Float
diameter Diameter in inches Float
heightMax The maximum height of the device (in inches) Float
heightMin The minimum height of the device (in inches) Float
id The unique identifier for hardwareModelProfile String
idLegacy The unique identifier for the hardware model profile Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
mounting The mounting of the device String
name The profile (or form factor) of the device String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate' in Tp Int legacy
roomSizeMin The minimum Room Size (sq. ft.) Float
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
volume The volume (CC) Float
weightMax The maximum weight of the device (in lbs) Float
weightMin The minimum weight of the device (in lbs) Float
widthMax The maximum width of the device (in inches) Float
widthMin The minimum width of the device (in inches) Float
hardwareModel The HardwareModel of HardwareModelProfile HardwareModel



A list of HardwareProducts

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for hardware product String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware product Int legacy
isCloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name The name the hardware product String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
hardwareFamily The HardwareFamily of the HardwareProduct HardwareFamily
hardwareModels The HardwareModel of the HardwareProduct HardwareModel
manufacturer The Manufacturer of the HardwareProduct Manufacturer
taxonomy The Taxonomy of the HardwareProduct Taxonomy



A list of KbArticles

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdOn The date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description Description of kbArticle String
heading Title of kbArticle String
id The unique identifier for KbArticle String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
kbArticle The kbArticle Information Int
kbArticleVtId The unique identifier for kbArticle in VulnTrack/SVM Int
manufacturerId The unique identifier Manufacturer String
osSoftId The unique identifier for osSoft in VulnTrack/SVM Int
publishedOn The date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
vulnerability The vulnerability for the KbArticle Vulnerability



A list of Manufacturers

Field Description Type Pack/Term
acquiredDate The date the manufacturer was acquired, if applicable. String
city The city where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of its headquarters). String
country The country where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of its headquarters). String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description A brief description of the manufacturer String
email The manufacturer’s email address String
employees The number of employees a manufacturer has String
employeesDate The date the number of employees was collected String
fax The manufacturer’s fax number String
fiscalEndDate The date that marks the end of the manufacturer/vendor fiscal year String
id The unique identifier for manufacturer String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacy
isPubliclyTraded This indicates whether a manufacturer/vendor is publicly traded (i.e. ‘Y’ or ‘N’) String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
knownAs Another name the manufacturer is known by (i.e., an abbreviation, expanded name, informal name, etc.). String
legal The legal entity of a company (i.e., Corporation,Limited, etc.) String
name The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) String
ownerId The manufacturer owner’s unique identifier String
ownerIdLegacy ownerIdLegacy Int legacy
phone The manufacturer’s telephone number String
profitsDate The date in which the profit numbers were collected String
profitsPerYear The manufacturer’s annual profits (in millions of USD). Int
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
revenue Latest annual revenue (in millions of USD) Int
revenueDate The date in which the revenue number was collected String
state The state or province in which the manufacturer/vendor headquarters is located String
street The street address of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters String
symbol A company’s stock/ticker symbol (if publicly traded) String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
tier The categorization of manufacturers based on priority/importance Int
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
website The manufacturer’s official website String
zip The Zip/postal code of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters String
hardwareFamilies The HardwareFamily of the Manufacturer HardwareFamily
hardwareProducts The HardwareProduct of the Manufacturer HardwareProduct
softwareFamilies The SoftwareFamily of the Manufacturer SoftwareFamily
softwareProducts The Software Product of the Manufacturer SoftwareProduct



A list of Platforms

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for platform String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for platform Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name The platform name (i.e., MacOS, Mainframe,Solaris, Linux, etc.) String
replacementId The unique identifier for the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
softwareReleasePlatforms The SoftwareReleasePlatform of the Platform SoftwareReleasePlatform



A list of SCA OpenSources

Field Description Type Pack/Term
componentId Component ID for sca open source String
componentIdLegacy Legacy Component Technopedia ID for sca open source Int legacy
componentLicenses Licenses for Opensource components componentLicenseData
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description Component description String
displayName The display_name is a colloquial name of a component. In some cases it is identical to the name or title String
id The unique identifier for sca open source String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for sca open source Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
keywords Open Source Keywords keywordsData
name Public name for the Component String
owner Company, open source project or individual author String
projectId The project id can be used to deterministically search for the project on the host forge. It may be different from name/title attributes String
registeredDate The date the component was registered or published on the forge String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacy
source The source where the requirements information is obtained from String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
title The title can be used to uniquely identify a component String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
url The url of the component String
version Version of the Component String
versionLicenses Licenses for Opensource Software Version versionLicenseData
versionUrl Version url String
softwareRelease The SoftwareRelease of the SCA OpenSource SoftwareRelease



A list of ServiceNowClassMapping

Field Description Type Pack/Term
category Category String
classLabel classLabel String
className className String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for Service Now Class Mapping String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for Service Now Class Mapping Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
subcategory Subcategory String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
taxonomyId TaxonomyId String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
taxonomy The Taxonomy of the ServiceNowClassMapping Taxonomy



A list of SoftwareEditions

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software edition String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software edition Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name The software product edition name, if applicable String
order A number that indicates the order of importance/priority of this particular edition among all editions of the product Int
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in Tp Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
softwareProduct The Software Product of the SoftwareEdition SoftwareProduct
softwareReleases The SoftwareRelease of the SoftwareEdition SoftwareRelease



A list of Families

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software family String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
name The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
manufacturer The Manufacturer of the SoftwareFamily Manufacturer
softwareProducts The SoftwareProduct of the SoftwareFamily SoftwareProduct
taxonomy The Taxonomy of the SoftwareFamily Taxonomy



A list of SoftwareLifecycles

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
endOfLife The last date that full support for the product is provided by the vendor, captured the way that it was originally published by the vendor. Partial support may still be available String
endOfLifeCalculatedCase Which calculation case generates this EOL date String
endOfLifeDate The last date when full support for a product is provided by the vendor, and standardized to follow BDNA’s date format. Partial support may still be still available String
endOfLifeDateCalculated The End Of Life date calculated String
endOfLifeException EndOfLifeException String
endOfLifeSupportLevel The name of support level that marks the end-of-life as published by the vendor String
generalAvailability The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor String
generalAvailabilityDate The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, standardized to BDNA date format String
generalAvailabilityDateCalculated The General Availability Date Calculated String
generalAvailabilityException generalAvailabilityException String
id The unique identifier for software lifecycle String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software lifecycle Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
obsolete The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support String
obsoleteCalculatedCase Which calculation case generates this OBS date String
obsoleteDate The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, standardized to follow BDNA date format. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self help online support String
obsoleteDateCalculated The Obsolete date calculated String
obsoleteException ObsoleteException String
obsoleteSupportLevel The name of the support level once obsolete, as published by the vendor String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacy
softwareSupportStage The name of the support stage or level as published by the vendor softwareSupportStageData
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
softwareRelease The Software Release of the SoftwareLifecycle SoftwareRelease



A list of SoftwareMarketVersions

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software version group String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software version group Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
name The name of the version group (or market version) of the software. A version group contains one or more versions, one of which is the major version String
order A number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released. Int
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
softwareProduct The SoftwareProduct of the SoftwareMarketVersion SoftwareProduct
softwareVersions The SoftwareVersion of the SoftwareMarketVersion SoftwareVersion



A list of SoftwareProduct

Field Description Type Pack/Term
alias Another name by which the software product was previously known. String
application Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label String
cloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
component The component of the software product, if applicable. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software product String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isFamilyInFullName A flag that indicates whether the value in familyName field should be included in the full product name (isFamilyInFullName = 1 indicates yes; isFamilyInFullName = 0 indicates no) Boolean
isSuite The flag that indicates whether the software product is a suite or not. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
name The complete name of the product as presented by the vendor in the software license as well as other official documentations and/or website String
productLicensable The licensable flag at the product-level, summarizing the licensable flag at the lower release-level, indicating whether the software product is licensable or not (0 = Generally Unlicensable, 1 =Generally Licensable, 2= Some Releases are Licensable, null = Undefined) Int
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in legacy Technopedia Int legacy
synchronizedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
manufacturer The Manufacturer of the SoftwareProduct Manufacturer
softwareEditions The SoftwareEdition of the SoftwareProduct SoftwareEdition
softwareFamily The SoftwareFamily of the SoftwareProduct SoftwareFamily
softwareMarketVersions The SoftwareMarketVersion of the SoftwareProduct SoftwareMarketVersion
softwareProductLinks The SoftwareProductLink of the SoftwareProduct SoftwareProductLink
softwareReleases The Software Release of the SoftwareProduct SoftwareRelease
softwareVersions The Software Version of the SoftwareProduct SoftwareVersion
taxonomy The Taxonomy of the SoftwareProduct Taxonomy



A list of SoftwareProductLinks

Field Description Type Pack/Term
cloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in TP String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
formerSoftwareProductId The product ID of the immediately prior or previous iteration of the product. String
formerSoftwareProductIdLegacy The product ID of the immediately prior or previous iteration of the product in TP Int legacy
id The unique identifier for the type of software product link/association. String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for the type of software product link/association. Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
laterSoftwareProductId The unique identifier for the product ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the product. String
laterSoftwareProductIdLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for the product ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the product. Int legacy
latestSoftwareProductId The unique identifier for the product ID of the most recent iteration of the product. String
latestSoftwareProductIdLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for the product ID of the most recent iteration of the product. Int legacy
oldestSoftwareProductId The unique identifier for the oldest iteration of the product. String
oldestSoftwareProductIdLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for the oldest iteration of the product. Int legacy
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
softwareCloudId The unique identifier of an equivalent cloud product for this on-premise product. String
softwareCloudIdLegacy The unique identifier of an equivalent cloud product for this on-premise product in TP Int legacy
softwareOnPremId The unique identifier of an equivalent on-premise product for this cloud product. String
softwareOnPremIdLegacy The unique identifier of an equivalent on-premise product for this cloud product in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String
softwareProduct The Software Product of the SoftwareProductLink SoftwareProduct



A list of SoftwareRelease

Field Description Type Pack/Term
application Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label String
cloud IsCloud String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in TP String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software releases String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software release Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A Flag That Indicates Whether the Entry is Known or Unknown Boolean
isLicensable A Flag That Indicates Whether The Software Release is Licensable or Not Boolean
isMajor This Indicates Whether or Not This is a Major Release Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
majorSoftwareReleaseId This Indicates the ID for a Major Release String
majorSoftwareReleaseIdLegacy This Indicates the ID for a Major Release in TP Int legacy
name ReleaseName String
patchLevel The Software Patch Update or Service Pack Level if applicable String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String
scaOpenSource The SCAOpenSource of the SoftwareRelease ScaOpenSource
softwareEdition The SoftwareEdition of the SoftwareRelease SoftwareEdition
softwareLifecycle The SoftwareLifecycle of the SoftwareRelease SoftwareLifecycle
softwareProduct The SoftwareProduct of the SoftwareRelease SoftwareProduct
softwareReleaseLinks The SoftwareReleaseLinks of the SoftwareRelease SoftwareReleaseLink
softwareReleasePlatforms The SoftwareReleasePlatform of the SoftwareRelease SoftwareReleasePlatform
softwareVersion The SoftwareVersion of the SoftwareRelease SoftwareVersion



A list of SoftwareReleaseLinks

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
formerSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the immediately previous iteration of the release String
formerSoftwareReleaseIdLegacy This is the software release ID of the immediately previous iteration of the release in TP Int legacy
id The unique identifier for the specific type of software release link or association String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for specific type of software release link or association Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
laterSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the release String
laterSoftwareReleaseIdLegacy This is the software release ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the release in TP Int legacy
latestSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the latest/ newest iteration of the release String
latestSoftwareReleaseIdLegacy This is the software release ID of the latest/ newest iteration of the release in TP Int legacy
oldestSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the oldest iteration of the release String
oldestSoftwareReleaseIdLegacy This is the software release ID of the oldest iteration of the release in TP Int legacy
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
softwareRelease The SoftwareRelease of the SoftwareReleaseLink SoftwareRelease



A list of SoftwareReleasePlatforms

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software release-platform String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software release-platform Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
platformLabel Platform Label String
platformType Platform Type String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
platform The Platform of the SoftwareReleasePlatform Platform
softwareRelease The Software Release of the SoftwareReleasePlatform SoftwareRelease



A list of SoftwareVersions

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software version String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for software version Int legacy
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
isMajor This Indicates Whether or Not This is a Major Release Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
majorSoftwareVersionId If it is not the Major Version ID, this identifies the Version ID of a particular row’s Major Version. String
majorVersionIdLegacy If it is not the Major Version ID, this identifies the Version ID of a particular row’s Major Version in TP. Int legacy
name The software version name or number String
order A number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released Int
patchLevel The software patch name or number, if applicable String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
versionStage This indicates the stage within the lifecycle of a product version from its initial inception to the final/end form and beyond (for example beta or rc1) String
softwareMarketVersion The SoftwareVersionGroup of the SoftwareVersion SoftwareMarketVersion
softwareProduct The SoftwareProduct of the SoftwareVersion SoftwareProduct
softwareReleases The SoftwareRelease of the SoftwareVersion SoftwareRelease



A list of Taxonomies

Field Description Type Pack/Term
category The taxonomy Parent Name String
categoryGroup The optional attribute you can use to further simplify or re-organize the current, 2-level BDNA taxonomy into an additional, higher level. It groups the Taxonomy parent ID into several discrete buckets. String
categoryId The unique identifier for the Taxonomy Parent Name String
categoryIdLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for the Taxonomy Parent Name Int legacy
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description A brief description of the taxonomy. String
id The unique identifier for taxonomy String
idLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacy
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementIdLegacy The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacy
softwareOrHardware The software or hardware taxonomy. String
subcategory Second level category in Technopedia taxonomy String
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia String
hardwareProducts The Hardware Product of the Taxonomy HardwareProduct
softwareProducts The Software Product of the Taxonomy SoftwareProduct



A list of TechnopediaVersions

Field Description Type Pack/Term
id One or more TechnopediaVersion GUIDs String
legal Legal String
releaseDate Release Date String
version Version String



A list of Threats

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for threat String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
threatScore Composite score for the Security Advisory, calculated from various criteria and their associated values (as determined by their severity). The higher the threat score is, the more critical it is to pay more attention to. The following indicates the criticality for all possible ranges in the threat score:71 - 99: Very Critical 45 - 70: Critical 24 - 44: High 13 - 23: Medium1 - 12: Low 0 - 0: None See complete criteria and methods of calculation in SVM documentation here, with a few examples provided here. Float
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM String
vulnerability The Vulnerability of the Threat Vulnerability



A list of ThreatRules

Field Description Type Pack/Term
codeName The reference of a threatRule String
count The count of vulnerability the threatRule covers Int
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM String
criticality Numeric score for the vulnerability's criticality, ranges from 1 - 5 where the smaller number the higher the criticality is. (It corresponds to EXPORTED CSV FILE attribute in SVM) Int
criticalityLabel The translation of the numeric score in criticality 1: Extremely Critical,2: Highly Critical,3: Moderately Critical,4: Less Critical,5: Not Critical String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description Detail of Threat Rule String
id The unique identifier for threatRule String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
ruleId The unique identifier for threatRule Int
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM String



A list of Vulnerabilities

Field Description Type Pack/Term
count The total number of the vulnerability identified String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM String
criticality Numeric score for the vulnerability's criticality, ranges from 1 - 5 where the smaller number the higher the criticality is. (It corresponds to EXPORTED CSV FILE attribute in SVM). Int
criticalityLabel Translation of the numeric score in criticality, where: 1: Extremely Critical,2: Highly Critical,3: Moderately Critical,4: Less Critical,5: Not Critical String
cvss3Score Version 3 of the CVSS score. It takes precedence over the old version (version 2) scores if both are provided.The vector score according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The following indicates the criticality for all possible ranges in the vector score: 9.0 - 10.0: Critical 7.0 - 8.9: High 4.0 - 6.9: Medium 0.1 - 3.9: Low String
cvss3Vector The vector attribute according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS3) String
cvss4Score Version 4 of the CVSS score. It takes precedence over the old versions (versions 2 and 3) scores if all are provided String
cvss4Vector The vector attribute according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS4) String
cvssScore The rating value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) String
cvssVector The vector attribute according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description A text field containing the description of Secunia Advisory. It may contain the SAID itself. Note: this attribute will potentially undergo further parsing in the future. String
disclosureDate The date of disclosure of the Vulnerability String
discoveryDate The date of discovery of the Vulnerability String
exploitPublishDate The date of Publish of the Vulnerability exploit String
id The unique identifier for vulnerability String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
language The language available for the vulnerability published String
languageId The unique identifier for Language Int
osSoftIds List of OsSoft Ids Int
others The other references, any additional, supporting/secondary links which explain/support the vulnerability Int
releasedDate The date of released String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
revision The revising status of the associated Advisory String
saId The unique identifier for Secunia Advisory String
solution A text field containing the solution, recommendation on what users need to do to mitigate the vulnerability String
solutionStatus The solution status of the associated vulnerability String
status The current status of the vulnerability Int
synchronizedDate Date and time when API last synchronized to Technopedia String
title The title of the associated Advisory String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
topPlace The ranking of the most exploited vulnerabilities String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM String
vulnId The numeric characters from SAID (Secunia Advisory ID, unique identifier for Secunia Advisory) Int legacy
whereTypeId Numeric indicator for where the vulnerability can be exploited from, ranges from 1 - 3. It corresponds to ATTACK VECTOR in SVM. String
whereTypeName Translation of the numeric indicator in WHERE_TYPE_ID, where: 1: From remote, 2: From local network,3: Local system String
zeroDay The numeric indicator whether the vulnerability was exploited prior to disclosure, ranges from 0 - 1. 0=no, 1=y Int
cpes The cpe for the Vulnerability Cpe
cves The cve for the Vulnerability Cve
kbArticle The kbArticle for the Vulnerability KbArticle
softwareReleases The softwareReleases of the kbArticle SoftwareRelease
threat The Threat of the Vulnerability Threat


Custom Sub Types



Field Description Type Pack/Term
familyName The licenses family name String
isCopyleft whether the license is copyleft or not String
isPrimary The priority of the license as defined by SCA Boolean
licenseName The full name of the license, as provided by the original authors String
licenseType License Type String
licenseUrl License URL String
shortName Most commonly used name for the license, often abbreviated String
spdxIdentifier The spdx license identifier String
spdxName The Spdx license name String



Open Source Keywords

Field Description Type Pack/Term
componentsCategory Components Category String
componentsLanguage Components Language String
componentsNormCategory Components Norm Category String
componentsNormLanguage Components Norm Language String
componentsPlatform Components Platform String




Field Description Type Pack/Term
familyName The licenses family name String
isCopyleft whether the license is copyleft or not String
isPrimary The priority of the license as defined by SCA Boolean
licenseName The full name of the license, as provided by the original authors String
licenseType License Type String
licenseUrl License URL String
shortName Most commonly used name for the license, often abbreviated String
spdxIdentifier The spdx license identifier String
spdxName The Spdx license name String




Field Description Type Pack/Term
definition The definition of the support stage String
endDate The date that marks the end of the support stage/level, normalized to follow BDNA date format String
idLegacy The unique identifier for software release support stage table Int legacy
manufacturerId The unique identifier for Manufacturer String
manufacturerIdLegacy Legacy Technopedia ID for Manufacturer Int legacy
name The name of the support stage or level as published by the vendor String
order The order of the support stage or level Int
policy The name of the support policy as published by the vendor String
publishedEndDate The date that marks the end of the support stage/level as published by the vendor String
