
Name Description
advisory The vulnerability_advisory dataset contains information about vulnerabilities associated with secunia advisory and associated details.
businessService The device_business_service_agg dataset contains unique business service data grouped by name, service_id
businessServiceDevice The business_service_device dataset contains unique business service data agg by name, service_id
catalog The catalog dataset contains information about the various technopedia datasets
catalogArlAlignment The arl_alignment table is a mapping of legacy and new ARL (Application Release Lifecycle) identifiers. It includes details such as the source of the ARL, the time it was created, and the corresponding legacy ARL identifier
catalogHardwareLifecycle The hardware_lifecycle table contains information about the lifecycle of hardware assets in the IT infrastructure. It includes details such as the introduction date, availability, and disposal reasons.
catalogHardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer.
catalogHardwareModelConnectivity The hardware_model_connectivity table contains information about the connectivity of different hardware models. It includes details such as the source, standard, and type of connectivity, along with unique identifier of the model and legacy identifier.
catalogHardwareModelPower The hardware_model_power table contains detailed power-related information for various hardware models. It includes data on AC and DC power, frequency, heat dissipation, and voltage.
catalogHardwareModelProfile The hardware_model_profile table contains detailed information about various hardware models. It includes details such as bore size, depth range, diameter, height range, and mounting options.
catalogHardwareProduct The hardware_product table contains information about various hardware products, including their source, creation date, and deletion reasons.
catalogHardwareSustainability The hardware_sustainability table contains information about the sustainability of various hardware products. It includes details such as power consumption, energy efficiency ratings, and sustainability certifications.
catalogManufacturer The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date.
catalogPlatform The platform table contains information about various software platforms, including their unique identifiers, creation and update dates, and deletion status.
catalogServiceNowClassMapping The service_now_class_mapping table contains information about the mapping between categories and classes in our service management system. It includes details such as the class name, label, and taxonomy ID.
catalogSoftwareEdition The software_edition table contains information about various software editions, including their creation, deletion dates and its legacy ID.
catalogSoftwareFamily The software_family table contains information about software families, including details about their creation, discontinuation and deletion.
catalogSoftwareLifecycle The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates and availability.
catalogSoftwareLifecycleSupportStages The software_lifecycle_support_stages dataset contains information about the various stages of a software lifecycle, including their definitions, end dates, and associated policies.
catalogSoftwareMarketVersion The software_market_version table contains information about different versions of software products in the market. It includes details about the source, creation date, deletion reason, and compatibility status with legacy systems.
catalogSoftwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason.
catalogSoftwareProductLink The software_product_link table contains information about the various software products and their links. It includes details such as the source, creation date, deletion reason and the cloud they are associated with.
catalogSoftwareRelease The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed.
catalogSoftwareReleaseLink The software_release_link table contains information about software releases and their corresponding links. It includes details such as the release ID, source, and timestamps.
catalogSoftwareReleasePlatform The software_release_platform table contains information about software releases, their corresponding platforms, platform type, label and also whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or to be deleted.
catalogSoftwareVersion The software_version table contains information about different software versions, their sources, and associated metadata. It includes details such as the version number, creation date, and whether it is discontinued or deprecated.
catalogTaxonomy The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not.
catalogTechnopediaVersion The technopedia_version dataset contains information about the various versions of a product and its release date
cloudInstance The cloud_instance dataset contains information about the cloud instances in your environment.
cloudInstanceSpend The cloud_instance_spend dataset contains information about the spend incurred by a cloud instance on a date.
cloudSoftware The cloud_software dataset contains information about software which can be hosted in the cloud.
cloudSoftwareSpend The cloud_software_spend dataset contains information about the spend incurred by cloud software on a cloud instance on a date.
cloudWindowsServer The cloud_windows_server dataset contains information about the spend and licenses for windows server.
cpe The vulnerability_cpe dataset contains information about CPE and associated information
cve The vulnerability_cve dataset contains information about CVE, Risk Monitoring and associated information.
device The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details.
deviceBusinessService The device_business_service dataset contains information about the business service aplication and associated devices.
deviceFileSystem The device_file_system table contains information about the file systems present on various devices. It includes details such as the file system name, type, mount point, size, and usage. This data can be useful for monitoring device storage usage.
deviceHardwareEvidence The hardware_evidence dataset contains information about hardware evidences, their versions, and associated details.
deviceLifecycle The device_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of devices in your inventory. It includes details about the general availability, obsolete status, and introduction of devices.
deviceManufacturer The device_manufacturer dataset contains information about various device manufacturers.
deviceModel The device_model dataset contains information about different device models and their specifications.
deviceModelConnectivity The device_model_connectivity dataset contains information about the connectivity standards and types for various device models.
deviceModelPower The device_model_power dataset contains detailed power-related specifications for various devices in your inventory. It includes information on AC and DC power consumption, voltage, and battery life.
deviceModelProfile The device_model_profile dataset contains detailed information about various devices in your inventory. It includes specifications such as bore size, depth, diameter, height, and weight.
deviceModelSustainability The device_model_sustainability dataset contains information about sustainability features of hardware model.
deviceNetworkAdapter The device_network_adapter dataset contains information about network adapters associated with devices in your inventory. It includes details such as the device's IP addresses and MAC addresses.
deviceOperatingSystem The device_operating_system dataset contains information about the operating systems used by various devices in your inventory.
deviceProcessor The device_processor dataset contains information about the processors used in various devices. It includes details such as the clock speed and core count.
deviceProduct The device_product dataset contains information about various devices and their product categories.
deviceSoftware The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details.
deviceSoftwareEvidence The software_evidence dataset contains information about software evidences, their versions, and associated details.
deviceSource The device_source dataset contains information about the data sources that provide device information from your inventory.
deviceTaxonomy The device_taxonomy dataset categorizes and groups devices based on their unique characteristics.
kbArticle The vulnerability_kb_article dataset contains information about kb articles and associated details.
malware The vulnerability_malware dataset contains information about Malwares and associated CVE details.
operatingSystemEvidence The operating_system_evidence dataset contains information about the operating systems installed on various devices.
rootQuery The entry point for all GraphQL queries.
software The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details.
softwareDevice The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details.
softwareEdition The software_edition dataset contains information about different editions of software products in your inventory.
softwareFileEvidence The software_file_evidence dataset contains metadata about software files identified on a device.
softwareInstallerEvidence The software_installer_evidence dataset contains metadata about software installations identified on a device.
softwareLifecycle The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates, support levels, and availability.
softwareLifecycleSupportStages The software_lifecycle_support_stages dataset contains information about the various stages of a software lifecycle, including their definitions, end dates, and associated policies.
softwareManufacturer The software_manufacturer dataset contains information about various software manufacturers.
softwareProduct The software_product dataset contains information about software products in the inventory.
softwareRelease The software_release dataset contains information about various software releases, including details about deployment, licensing, and discontinuation statuses.
softwareTaxonomy The software_taxonomy dataset provides a categorization of software products in the inventory.
softwareVersion The software_version dataset contains information about various software versions, including their market names and patch levels.
threatRule The vulnerability_threat_rule dataset contains information about threat rules and associated CVE details.
virtualMachineHost The virtual_machine_host dataset contains information about virtual machine host.
vulnerability The vulnerability dataset contains information about vulnerabilities, CVE and associated details.

Dataset Details


The vulnerability_advisory dataset contains information about vulnerabilities associated with secunia advisory and associated details.

Field Description Type
advisoryId The unique identifier for the Secunia Advisory id. String
createdAt The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
deviceId Identifier for the device the vulnerability is associated with. String
kbArticles The vulnerability_kb_article dataset contains information about kb articles and associated details. kbArticles (KbArticle*)
releasedDate The date of released. DateTime
revision Revising status of the associated Advisory String
saId Identifier for the secunia advisory associated with. String
saidUrl URL for that Specific Secunia Advisory Id. String
solutionStatus Solution status of the associated vulnerability. String
threatScore Composite score for the Security Advisory, calculated from various criteria and their associated values. Int
title Title of the associated Advisory. String
versionId Identifier for the version of the software the vulnerability is associated with. String



The device_business_service_agg dataset contains unique business service data grouped by name, service_id

Field Description Type
deviceCount Count of the business service data grouped by name, service_id Int
devices The business_service_device dataset contains unique business service data agg by name, service_id devices (BusinessServiceDevice*)
id Identifier for business_service_agg Id (SHA256 of name service_id)
name Identifies the business service name. String
riscStackUrl The url to the risc stack for the business service data. String
serviceId Represents the application id of the business service data. String



The business_service_device dataset contains unique business service data agg by name, service_id

Field Description Type
biosFirmwareRevision Reports the revision of software running on the processor on a device. String
biosReleaseDate Date when the BIOS was released. DateTime
biosVersion Identifier for the BIOS version. String
businessServiceAggId String
businessUnit Identifier for the business unit responsible for the device. String
calculatedUser Represents the user account calculated by the device, providing information about the device's user-facing capabilities. String
chassisType Identifier for the chassis type of the device. String
costCenter Identifier for the cost center responsible for the device. String
createdAt The date and time when the device was first recorded. DateTime
domain Represents the domain or category of the device, providing context for its use and purpose. String
evidenceManufacturerName Name of the manufacturer of the evidence associated with the device, providing human-readable identification. String
evidenceModelName Name of the model of the evidence associated with the device, providing human-readable identification. String
familyId Identifier for the device family. String
hddTotalSpace Represents the total storage capacity of the device's hard disk drive(s). Int
id Internal identifier for the device. String
ignored A boolean flag indicating whether the device should be ignored or not. Boolean
inventoryAgent Identifies the agent responsible for managing the device's inventory. String
inventoryDate The date when the device was added to the inventory. DateTime
kernelName The kernel name of the system, in case of Windows it is caption. String
kernelRelease The kernel version of the system. String
kwhYear This is a flag to indicate the estimated annual kilowatt-hours of energy consumption by the hardware. Float
lastLoggedonUser Represents the user who last logged into the device. String
lastUpdateSuccess The time at which a scan was last successfully associated with this Host. DateTime
lifecycle The device_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of devices in your inventory. It includes details about the general availability, obsolete status, and introduction of devices. lifecycle (DeviceLifecycle*)
lifecycleId Identifier for the device lifecycle. String
location Identifier for the location of the device. String
manufacturer The device_manufacturer dataset contains information about various device manufacturers. manufacturer (DeviceManufacturer*)
manufacturerId Identifier for the device manufacturer. String
manufacturerName Name of the device manufacturer, providing human-readable identification. String
maxClockSpeed Represents the maximum clock speed of the device's processor. Int
model The device_model dataset contains information about different device models and their specifications. model (DeviceModel*)
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
modelName Name of the device model, providing human-readable identification. String
name The name of the device, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
networkAdapters The device_network_adapter dataset contains information about network adapters associated with devices in your inventory. It includes details such as the device's IP addresses and MAC addresses. networkAdapters (DeviceNetworkAdapter*)
numberOfCores Represents the total number of physical cores in the device. Int
numberOfDisplayAdapters Represents the number of display adapters in the device. Int
numberOfHdd Represents the number of hard disk drives (HDDs) in the device. Int
numberOfLogicalCores Represents the total number of logical cores in the device, which is the number of virtual cores that can be used by the operating system. Int
numberOfProcessors Represents the number of processors in the device. Int
operatingSystem The device_operating_system dataset contains information about the operating systems used by various devices in your inventory. operatingSystem (DeviceOperatingSystem*)
osProductId Identifier for the device operating system product. String
osReleaseId Identifier for the device operating system release. String
platformId Identifier for the device platform. String
platformLabel Represents the label or name of the device's platform. String
platformType Represents the type of the device's platform, such as operating system or firmware. String
processorName Represents the name of the device's processor. String
processors The device_processor dataset contains information about the processors used in various devices. It includes details such as the clock speed and core count. processors (DeviceProcessor*)
product The device_product dataset contains information about various devices and their product categories. product (DeviceProduct*)
productId Identifier for the device product. String
productName Name of the device product, providing human-readable identification. String
scope1KgCo2E This flag represents the direct greenhouse gas emissions from the hardware operation, like energy use during its functioning. Float
scope2KgCo2E This flag represents the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity used by the hardware during its operation. Float
scope3KgCo2E This flag represents all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions throughout the hardware lifecycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life management. Float
serialNumber Unique identifier for the device, allowing tracking and management of individual devices. String
servicePack Represents the service pack or version of the device's software. String
software The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details. software (DeviceSoftware*)
sources The device_source dataset contains information about the data sources that provide device information from your inventory. sources (DeviceSource*)
taxonomy The device_taxonomy dataset categorizes and groups devices based on their unique characteristics. taxonomy (DeviceTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId Identifier for the device taxonomy. String
tcpKeepalive Number of seconds to keep network connection alive. Int
timeZone Name of the timezone. String
totalKgCo2EYear Estimates the total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the hardware operation, measured in kilograms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Float
totalMemory Represents the total memory capacity of the device. Int
upTime The uptime of the device in seconds. Int
updatedAt The date and time when the device was last updated or modified. DateTime
vmHostId Internal identifier for the host device of virtual machine. String
vmType Type of virtual machine device whether it is a VM host or a VM guest device. String
vmUuid Identifier for the virtual machine. String



The catalog dataset contains information about the various technopedia datasets

Field Description Type
arlAlignment The arl_alignment table is a mapping of legacy and new ARL (Application Release Lifecycle) identifiers. It includes details such as the source of the ARL, the time it was created, and the corresponding legacy ARL identifier arlAlignment (CatalogArlAlignment*)
hardwareLifecycle The hardware_lifecycle table contains information about the lifecycle of hardware assets in the IT infrastructure. It includes details such as the introduction date, availability, and disposal reasons. hardwareLifecycle (CatalogHardwareLifecycle*)
hardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModel (CatalogHardwareModel*)
hardwareModelConnectivity The hardware_model_connectivity table contains information about the connectivity of different hardware models. It includes details such as the source, standard, and type of connectivity, along with unique identifier of the model and legacy identifier. hardwareModelConnectivity (CatalogHardwareModelConnectivity*)
hardwareModelPower The hardware_model_power table contains detailed power-related information for various hardware models. It includes data on AC and DC power, frequency, heat dissipation, and voltage. hardwareModelPower (CatalogHardwareModelPower*)
hardwareModelProfile The hardware_model_profile table contains detailed information about various hardware models. It includes details such as bore size, depth range, diameter, height range, and mounting options. hardwareModelProfile (CatalogHardwareModelProfile*)
hardwareProduct The hardware_product table contains information about various hardware products, including their source, creation date, and deletion reasons. hardwareProduct (CatalogHardwareProduct*)
hardwareSustainablity The hardware_sustainability table contains information about the sustainability of various hardware products. It includes details such as power consumption, energy efficiency ratings, and sustainability certifications. hardwareSustainablity (CatalogHardwareSustainability*)
manufacturer The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date. manufacturer (CatalogManufacturer*)
platform The platform table contains information about various software platforms, including their unique identifiers, creation and update dates, and deletion status. platform (CatalogPlatform*)
serviceNowClassMapping The service_now_class_mapping table contains information about the mapping between categories and classes in our service management system. It includes details such as the class name, label, and taxonomy ID. serviceNowClassMapping (CatalogServiceNowClassMapping*)
softwareEdition The software_edition table contains information about various software editions, including their creation, deletion dates and its legacy ID. softwareEdition (CatalogSoftwareEdition*)
softwareFamily The software_family table contains information about software families, including details about their creation, discontinuation and deletion. softwareFamily (CatalogSoftwareFamily*)
softwareLifecycle The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates and availability. softwareLifecycle (CatalogSoftwareLifecycle*)
softwareMarketVersion The software_market_version table contains information about different versions of software products in the market. It includes details about the source, creation date, deletion reason, and compatibility status with legacy systems. softwareMarketVersion (CatalogSoftwareMarketVersion*)
softwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProduct (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
softwareProductLink The software_product_link table contains information about the various software products and their links. It includes details such as the source, creation date, deletion reason and the cloud they are associated with. softwareProductLink (CatalogSoftwareProductLink*)
softwareRelease The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareRelease (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
softwareReleaseLink The software_release_link table contains information about software releases and their corresponding links. It includes details such as the release ID, source, and timestamps. softwareReleaseLink (CatalogSoftwareReleaseLink*)
softwareReleasePlatform The software_release_platform table contains information about software releases, their corresponding platforms, platform type, label and also whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or to be deleted. softwareReleasePlatform (CatalogSoftwareReleasePlatform*)
softwareVersion The software_version table contains information about different software versions, their sources, and associated metadata. It includes details such as the version number, creation date, and whether it is discontinued or deprecated. softwareVersion (CatalogSoftwareVersion*)
taxonomy The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not. taxonomy (CatalogTaxonomy*)
technopediaVersion The technopedia_version dataset contains information about the various versions of a product and its release date technopediaVersion (CatalogTechnopediaVersion*)



The arl_alignment table is a mapping of legacy and new ARL (Application Release Lifecycle) identifiers. It includes details such as the source of the ARL, the time it was created, and the corresponding legacy ARL identifier

Field Description Type
arlId The unique identifier for Arl Alignment String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for Arl Alignment Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id One or more Arl Alignment GUIDs String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
softwareProductDataPlatformId Software Product TP Id Int
softwareProductId Software Product Id String
softwareRelease The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareRelease (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
softwareReleaseDataPlatformId Software Release TP Id Int
softwareReleaseId Software Release Id String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia DateTime



The hardware_lifecycle table contains information about the lifecycle of hardware assets in the IT infrastructure. It includes details such as the introduction date, availability, and disposal reasons.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for hardware lifecycle. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
generalAvailabilityDate The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions; in standardized date format. DateTime
generalAvailabilityDescription The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor. String
generalAvailabilityException The reason why the general availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. String
hardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModel (CatalogHardwareModel*)
id The unique identifier for hardware life cycle. String
introduction The date the hardware was introduced/ announced, and captured the way it was published by the vendor. String
introductionDate The date the hardware was introduced/ announced, in standardized date format. DateTime
introductionException The reason why the introduction date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently provided. Similar values as the ‘Introduction Exception’ above. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
lastAvailabilityDate The last date in which the hardware is available for purchase from the vendor, in standardized date format. DateTime
lastAvailabilityDescription The last date in which the hardware is available for purchase from the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor. String
lastAvailabilityException The reason why the last availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above. String
modelId The unique identifier for the model. String
obsoleteDate The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, in standardized date format. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support. DateTime
obsoleteDescription The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support. String
obsoleteException A reason why the obsolete date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer.

Field Description Type
cloud The flag that identifies whether the product is Cloud-Only, On-Premise-Only, or Cloud and On-Premise. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for hardware model. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
hardwareLifecycle The hardware_lifecycle table contains information about the lifecycle of hardware assets in the IT infrastructure. It includes details such as the introduction date, availability, and disposal reasons. hardwareLifecycle (CatalogHardwareLifecycle*)
hardwareModelConnectivities The hardware_model_connectivity table contains information about the connectivity of different hardware models. It includes details such as the source, standard, and type of connectivity, along with unique identifier of the model and legacy identifier. hardwareModelConnectivities (CatalogHardwareModelConnectivity*)
hardwareModelPower The hardware_model_power table contains detailed power-related information for various hardware models. It includes data on AC and DC power, frequency, heat dissipation, and voltage. hardwareModelPower (CatalogHardwareModelPower*)
hardwareModelProfiles The hardware_model_profile table contains detailed information about various hardware models. It includes details such as bore size, depth range, diameter, height range, and mounting options. hardwareModelProfiles (CatalogHardwareModelProfile*)
hardwareProduct The hardware_product table contains information about various hardware products, including their source, creation date, and deletion reasons. hardwareProduct (CatalogHardwareProduct*)
hardwareProductId The unique identifier for hardware product. String
hardwareSustainability The hardware_sustainability table contains information about the sustainability of various hardware products. It includes details such as power consumption, energy efficiency ratings, and sustainability certifications. hardwareSustainability (CatalogHardwareSustainability*)
id The unique identifier for hardware model. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
name The model name/number of the hardware product. String
supportedOs The list of supported operating systems that can be run on the device. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The hardware_model_connectivity table contains information about the connectivity of different hardware models. It includes details such as the source, standard, and type of connectivity, along with unique identifier of the model and legacy identifier.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia DateTime
dataPlatformId Legacy Technopedia ID for Hardware Model Connectivity Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
hardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModel (CatalogHardwareModel*)
id The unique identifier for hardware model connectivity String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
modelDataPlatformId Data Platform ID for Hardware Model Int
modelId The unique identifier for hardware model String
name Connectivity information String
standard The Standard attribute with the description E.g.: IEEE 802.3 etc. String
standardVersion The Standard Version unique identifier String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
type ConnectivityType String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia DateTime



The hardware_model_power table contains detailed power-related information for various hardware models. It includes data on AC and DC power, frequency, heat dissipation, and voltage.

Field Description Type
acCurrentHighMax Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The maximum current when the voltage switch is turned on the high range setting Float
acCurrentHighMin Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum current when the voltage switch is turned on to the high range setting Float
acCurrentLowMax Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The maximum current when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
acCurrentLowMin Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum current when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single). Float
acFrequencyMax The manufacturer suggested AC input requirements, i.e. the maximum frequency (whether the voltage switch is turned on low/high or when the device has no voltage switch). Float
acFrequencyMin The manufacturer suggested AC input requirements, i.e. the minimum frequency (whether the voltage switch is turned on low/high or when the device has no voltage switch). Float
acHeatDissipationAverage The average amount of heat per-unit of time generated by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to AC power (in BTU/hr). String
acHeatDissipationMax The peak or maximum amount of heat per-units of time generated by the device during typical usage when it is hooked up to AC power (in BTU/hr String
acPhase The phase of the AC. Int
acPowerAverage The average amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to AC power (in watt or voltamp). String
acPowerAverageUnit The unit for AC_POWER_AVG column(watt or volt-amp). String
acPowerMax The peak or maximum amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device when it is hooked up to AC power (in watt or volt-amp). String
acPowerMaxUnit The unit for the AC_POWER_MAX column (watt or volt-amp). String
acVoltageHighMax Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The maximum voltage when the voltage switch is turned on to the high range set. Float
acVoltageHighMin Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum voltage when the voltage switch is turned to on the high range setting. Float
acVoltageLowMax Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements:The maximum voltage when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
acVoltageLowMin Manufacturer suggested AC electrical input requirements: The minimum voltage when the voltage switch is turned on to the low range setting, or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage range). Float
batteryLife Hours of possible battery life. Int
batteryType Battery Type. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platfrom ID for hwModelPower. Int
dcCurrentHigh The manufacturer suggested DC input requirements, i.e. the current when the voltage switch is turned on the high setting. Float
dcCurrentLow The manufacturer suggested DC input requirements, i.e. the current when the voltage switch is turned on the low setting or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage). Float
dcHeatDissipationAverage The average amount of heat per-unit of time generated by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to DC power (in BTU/hr). String
dcHeatDissipationMax The peak or maximum amount of heat per-unit of time generated by the device when it is hooked up to DC power (in BTU/hr). String
dcPowerAverage The average amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device during typical use when it is hooked up. String
dcPowerMax The peak or maximum amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device when it is hooked up to DC power (in watt or volt-amp). String
dcVoltageHigh The manufacturer suggested DC input requirement, i.e. the voltage when the voltage switch is turned on the high setting. Float
dcVoltageLow The manufacturer suggested DC input requirements, i.e. the voltage when the voltage switch is turned on the low setting or when the device has no voltage switch (single voltage). Float
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
emergencyPower Listing of the emergency power. String
epeat This is a flag to indicate which EPEAT certification the device has earned: Gold, Silver, or Bronze. String
hardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModel (CatalogHardwareModel*)
hasDedicatedCircuit Listing of the dedicated circuit. String
id The unique identifier for hardware model power. String
isEnergyStar This is a flag to indicate whether the device has earned the Energy Star certification or not. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
modelId The unique ID of the hardware model. String
nonOperatingHumidityMax The manufacturer suggested peak or maximum humidity (percentage) of the device when it is non-operational or in storage. Float
nonOperatingHumidityMin The manufacturer suggested minimum humidity (percentage) of the device when it is non-operational or in storage. Float
nonOperatingTemperatureMax The manufacturer suggested peak or maximum temperature of the device when it is non-operational or in storage (in Fahrenheit). Float
nonOperatingTemperatureMin The manufacturer suggested minimum temperature of the device when it is non-operational or in storage (in Fahrenheit). Float
operatingHumidityMax The manufacturer suggested peak or maximum humidity (percentage) of the device during operation. Float
operatingHumidityMin The manufacturer suggested minimum humidity (percentage) of the device during operation. Float
operatingTemperatureMax The manufacturer suggested peak or maximum temperature of the device during operation (in Fahrenheit). Float
operatingTemperatureMin The manufacturer suggested minimum temperature of the device during operation (in Fahrenheit). Float
plugType Plug Type (NEMA). String
powerRating The summary of the device various power ratings: Voltage, Frequency, and Current. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The hardware_model_profile table contains detailed information about various hardware models. It includes details such as bore size, depth range, diameter, height range, and mounting options.

Field Description Type
boreSize Bore Size in inches Float
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platfrom ID for the hardware model profile Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
depthMax The maximum depth of the device (in inches) Float
depthMin The minimum depth of the device (in inches) Float
diameter Diameter in inches Float
hardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModel (CatalogHardwareModel*)
heightMax The maximum height of the device (in inches) Float
heightMin The minimum height of the device (in inches) Float
id Unique identifier for each hardware model profile. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
modelId The unique identifier for hardware model String
mounting The mounting of the device String
name The profile (or form factor) of the device String
roomSizeMin The minimum room size (in sq.ft) Float
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia DateTime
volume The volume (CC) Float
weightMax The maximum weight of the device (in lbs). Float
weightMin The minimum weight of the device (in lbs). Float
widthMax The maximum width of the device (in inches). Float
widthMin The minimum width of the device (in inches). Float



The hardware_product table contains information about various hardware products, including their source, creation date, and deletion reasons.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for hardware product. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
hardwareFamilyId The unique identifier for the hardware family of the hardware product. String
hardwareModels The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModels (CatalogHardwareModel*)
id The unique identifier for hardware product. String
isCloud The flag that identifies whether the product is Cloud-Only, On-Premise-Only or Cloud and On-Premise. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
manufacturer The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date. manufacturer (CatalogManufacturer*)
manufacturerId The unique identifier for the manufacturer of the hardware product. String
name The name of the hardware product. String
taxonomy The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not. taxonomy (CatalogTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId The unique identifier for the taxonomy of the hardware product. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The hardware_sustainability table contains information about the sustainability of various hardware products. It includes details such as power consumption, energy efficiency ratings, and sustainability certifications.

Field Description Type
acAverageUnit The unit for AC_AVG column(watt or volt-amp). Int
acMaxUnit The unit for the AC_MAX column (watt or volt-amp). Int
acPowerAverage The average amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device during typical use when it is hooked up to AC power (in watt or voltamp). String
acPowerMax The peak or maximum amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device when it is hooked up to AC power (in watt or volt-amp). String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for hardware sustainability. Int
dcAverageUnit The unit for DC_AVG column(watt or volt-amp). Int
dcMaxUnit The unit for the DC_MAX column (watt or volt-amp). Int
dcPowerAverage The average amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device during typical use when it is hooked up. String
dcPowerMax The peak or maximum amount of power (energy per-unit of time) consumed by the device when it is hooked up to DC power (in watt or volt-amp). String
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
eightyPlus This rating indicates the efficiency of the power supply in converting AC power from the wall to DC power used by the computer. String
energyStar This is a flag to indicate whether the device has earned the Energy Star certification or not. Int
energyStarScore The is a flag to indicate if the hardware has earned the Energy Star certification. Float
epeat This is a flag to indicate which EPEAT certification the device has earned: Gold, Silver, or Bronze. String
greenScore The rating of the hardware environmental-friendly level. Float
hardwareModel The hardware_model table contains information about various hardware models, including their source, creation date, and discontinuation status. It also includes details about the hardware family, product, and manufacturer. hardwareModel (CatalogHardwareModel*)
id The unique identifier for hardware sustainability. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
kwhYear This is a flag to indicate the estimated annual kilowatt-hours of energy consumption by the hardware. Float
modelId The unique identifier for the hardware model. String
pue PUE stands for Power Usage Effectiveness. This metric is relevant for data centers and server rooms.It measures the total amount of energy used by the facility divided by the energy delivered to the computing equipment. Float
scope1KgCo2E This flag represents the direct greenhouse gas emissions from the hardware operation, like energy use during its functioning. Float
scope1Utilization The actual utilization tracked for SCOPE1 CO2 emission. Float
scope2KgCo2E This flag represents the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity used by the hardware during its operation. Float
scope2Utilization The actual utilization tracked for SCOPE2 CO2 emission. Float
scope3KgCo2E This flag represents all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions throughout the hardware lifecycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life management. Float
scope3Utilization The actual utilization tracked for SCOPE3 CO2 emission. Float
sourceUrl This flag might provide a link to the manufacturers website or a relevant source with more detailed sustainability information about the specific hardware. String
sustainabilityNote This flag might contain additional notes or clarifications regarding the hardware sustainability aspects. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
totalKgCo2EYear Estimates the total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the hardware operation, measured in kilograms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Float
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date.

Field Description Type
acquiredDate The date the manufacturer was acquired, if applicable. DateTime
city The city where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of its headquarters). String
country The country where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of its headquarters). String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for manufacturer. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
description The description of the manufacturer. String
email The email address of the manufacturer. String
employees The number of employees a manufacturer has. String
employeesDate The date the number of employees was collected. DateTime
fax The fax number of the manufacturer. String
fiscalEndDate The date that marks the end of the manufacturer/vendor fiscal year. String
hardwareProducts The hardware_product table contains information about various hardware products, including their source, creation date, and deletion reasons. hardwareProducts (CatalogHardwareProduct*)
id The unique identifier for manufacturer. String
isPubliclyTraded This indicates whether a manufacturer/vendor is publicly traded (i.e. ‘Y’ or ‘N’). String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
knownAs Another name the manufacturer is known by (i.e., an abbreviation, expanded name, informal name, etc.). String
legal The legal entity of a company (i.e., Corporation,Limited, etc.). String
name The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. String
ownerDataPlatformId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer owner. Int
ownerId The manufacturer owner’s unique identifier. String
phone The phone number of the manufacturer. String
profitsDate The date in which the profit numbers were collected. DateTime
profitsPerYear The manufacturer’s annual profits (in millions of USD). Int
revenue Latest annual revenue (in millions of USD). Int
revenueDate The date in which the revenue number was collected. DateTime
softwareFamilies The software_family table contains information about software families, including details about their creation, discontinuation and deletion. softwareFamilies (CatalogSoftwareFamily*)
softwareProducts The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProducts (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
state The state or province in which the manufacturer/vendor headquarters is located. String
street The street address of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters. String
symbol A company’s stock/ticker symbol (if publicly traded). String
tier The categorization of manufacturers based on priority/importance. Int
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
website The official website of the manufacturer. String
zip The Zip/postal code of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters. String



The platform table contains information about various software platforms, including their unique identifiers, creation and update dates, and deletion status.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for platform. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for platform. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
name The platform name (i.e., MacOS, Mainframe, Solaris, Linux, etc.). String
softwareReleasePlatforms The software_release_platform table contains information about software releases, their corresponding platforms, platform type, label and also whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or to be deleted. softwareReleasePlatforms (CatalogSoftwareReleasePlatform*)
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The service_now_class_mapping table contains information about the mapping between categories and classes in our service management system. It includes details such as the class name, label, and taxonomy ID.

Field Description Type
category Category String
classLabel Name of the label String
className Name of the class String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for Service Now Class Mapping Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for software edition String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
subcategory Subcategory String
taxonomy The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not. taxonomy (CatalogTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId Unique Identifier of the Taxonomy String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia DateTime



The software_edition table contains information about various software editions, including their creation, deletion dates and its legacy ID.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software edition. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software edition. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
name The software product edition name, if applicable. String
order A number that indicates the order of importance/priority of this particular edition among all editions of the product. Int
softwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProduct (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
softwareProductId The unique identifier for software product. String
softwareReleases The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareReleases (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_family table contains information about software families, including details about their creation, discontinuation and deletion.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software family. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
manufacturer The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date. manufacturer (CatalogManufacturer*)
manufacturerId The unique identifier for the manufacturer of the software product. String
name The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the portfolio of manufacturer of software offerings; if applicable. String
softwareProducts The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProducts (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
taxonomy The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not. taxonomy (CatalogTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId The unique identifier for the taxonomy node that represents the software family. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates and availability.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software lifecycle Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
endOfLifeCalculatedCase Which calculation case generates this EOL date. String
endOfLifeCalculatedDate The End Of Life date calculated. DateTime
endOfLifeDate The last date when full support for a product is provided by the vendor, and standardized to follow BDNAs date format Partial support may still be still available. DateTime
endOfLifeDescription The last date that full support for the product is provided by the vendor, captured the way that it was originally published by the vendor. Partial support may still be available. String
endOfLifeException The reason why the end-of-life date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. String
endOfLifeSupportLevel The name of support level that marks the end-of-life as published by the vendor. String
generalAvailabilityCalculatedDate The General Availability Date Calculated. DateTime
generalAvailabilityDate The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, standardized to BDNA date format. DateTime
generalAvailabilityDescription The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor. String
generalAvailabilityException general availability exception. String
id The unique identifier for software life cycle. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. YorN). Boolean
obsoleteCalculatedCase Which calculation case generates this OBS date. String
obsoleteCalculatedDate The calculated date when the product becomes obsolete. DateTime
obsoleteDate The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, standardized to follow BDNA date format. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self help online support. DateTime
obsoleteDescription The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support. String
obsoleteException A reason why the obsolete date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above. String
obsoleteSupportLevel The name of the support level once obsolete, as published by the vendor String
softwareRelease The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareRelease (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
softwareReleaseId The unique identifier for the software release. String
supportStages The software_lifecycle_support_stages dataset contains information about the various stages of a software lifecycle, including their definitions, end dates, and associated policies. supportStages (CatalogSoftwareLifecycleSupportStages*)
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted DateTime
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_lifecycle_support_stages dataset contains information about the various stages of a software lifecycle, including their definitions, end dates, and associated policies.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software lifecycle support stages. Int
definition Describes the software lifecycle stage, providing context for the stage. String
endDate The date that marks the end of the support stage/level, normalized to follow BDNA date format. DateTime
id Unique identifier for each software lifecycle stage. String
manufacturerDataPlatformId Data Platform ID for Manufacturer. Int
manufacturerId Identifier for the manufacturer of the software, allowing tracking of different manufacturers. String
name The name of the software lifecycle stage, providing a human-readable label for the stage. String
order Represents the order in which the software lifecycle stages occur. Int
policy Describes the policy for the software lifecycle stage, providing guidelines for the stage. String
policyLabel A label for the policy, allowing easy identification of the policy. String
publishedEndDate The date when the software lifecycle stage was published, allowing tracking of when the stage was made available. String
softwareLifecycleId Identifier for the software lifecycle, allowing tracking of different software lifecycles. String



The software_market_version table contains information about different versions of software products in the market. It includes details about the source, creation date, deletion reason, and compatibility status with legacy systems.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software version group. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software version group. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
name The name of the version group (or market version) of the software. A version group contains one or more versions, one of which is the major version. String
order A number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released. Int
softwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProduct (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
softwareProductId The unique identifier for software product. String
softwareVersions The software_version table contains information about different software versions, their sources, and associated metadata. It includes details such as the version number, creation date, and whether it is discontinued or deprecated. softwareVersions (CatalogSoftwareVersion*)
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason.

Field Description Type
alias Another name by which the software product was previously known. String
application Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label. String
cloud The flag that identifies whether the product is Cloud-Only, On-Premise-Only, or Cloud and On-Premise. String
cloudServiceCategory The Cloud Service Category. String
component The component of the software product, if applicable. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software product. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
description The Software Product Description. String
id The unique identifier for software product. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isFamilyInFullName A flag that indicates whether the value in familyName field should be included in the full product name (isFamilyInFullName = 1 indicates yes; isFamilyInFullName = 0 indicates no). Boolean
isSuite The flag that indicates whether the software product is a suite or not. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
manufacturer The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date. manufacturer (CatalogManufacturer*)
manufacturerId The unique identifier for the manufacturer of the software product. String
name The complete name of the product as presented by the vendor in the software license as well as other official documentations and/or website. String
productLicensable The licensable flag at the product-level, summarizing the licensable flag at the lower release-level, indicating whether the software product is licensable or not (0 = Generally Unlicensable, 1 = Generally Licensable, 2 = Some Releases are Licensable, null = Undefined). Int
softwareEditions The software_edition table contains information about various software editions, including their creation, deletion dates and its legacy ID. softwareEditions (CatalogSoftwareEdition*)
softwareFamily The software_family table contains information about software families, including details about their creation, discontinuation and deletion. softwareFamily (CatalogSoftwareFamily*)
softwareFamilyId The unique identifier for the software family to which the software product belongs. String
softwareMarketVersions The software_market_version table contains information about different versions of software products in the market. It includes details about the source, creation date, deletion reason, and compatibility status with legacy systems. softwareMarketVersions (CatalogSoftwareMarketVersion*)
softwareProductLinks The software_product_link table contains information about the various software products and their links. It includes details such as the source, creation date, deletion reason and the cloud they are associated with. softwareProductLinks (CatalogSoftwareProductLink*)
softwareReleases The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareReleases (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
softwareVersions The software_version table contains information about different software versions, their sources, and associated metadata. It includes details such as the version number, creation date, and whether it is discontinued or deprecated. softwareVersions (CatalogSoftwareVersion*)
taxonomy The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not. taxonomy (CatalogTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId The unique identifier for the taxonomy to which the software product belongs. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_product_link table contains information about the various software products and their links. It includes details such as the source, creation date, deletion reason and the cloud they are associated with.

Field Description Type
cloud The flag that identifies whether the product is Cloud-Only, On-Premise-Only, or Cloud and On-Premise. String
cloudDataPlatformId The Data Platform ID of an equivalent cloud product for this on-premise product in TP Int
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in TP DateTime
dataPlatformId Legacy Technopedia ID for the type of software product link/association. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
formerDataPlatformId The Data Platform ID of the immediately prior or previous iteration of the product in TP Int
formerSoftwareProductId The product ID of the immediately prior or previous iteration of the product. String
id The unique identifier for the type of software product link/association. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
laterDataPlatformId Data Platform ID for the product ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the product. Int
laterSoftwareProductId The unique identifier for the product ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the product. String
latestDataPlatformId Data Platform ID for the product ID of the most recent iteration of the product. Int
latestSoftwareProductId The unique identifier for the product ID of the most recent iteration of the product. String
oldestDataPlatformId Data Platform ID for the oldest iteration of the product. Int
oldestSoftwareProductId The unique identifier for the oldest iteration of the product. String
onPremDataPlatformId The Data Platform ID of an equivalent on-premise product for this cloud product in TP Int
softwareCloudId The unique identifier of an equivalent cloud product for this on-premise product. String
softwareOnPremId The unique identifier of an equivalent on-premise product for this cloud product. String
softwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProduct (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
softwareProductId The unique identifier of the software product String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP DateTime



The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed.

Field Description Type
application Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label. String
cloud IsCloud. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in TP. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software release. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software releases. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A Flag That Indicates Whether the Entry is Known or Unknown. Boolean
isLicensable A Flag That Indicates Whether The Software Release is Licensable or Not. Boolean
isMajor This Indicates Whether or Not This is a Major Release. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
majorDataPlatformId This Indicates the ID for a Major Release in TP. Int
majorSoftwareReleaseId This Indicates the ID for a Major Release. String
manufacturer The manufacturer table contains information about various manufacturers, including their origins, contact details, and industry-specific details. It includes data on the date when the manufacturer was acquired and their fiscal year end date. manufacturer (CatalogManufacturer*)
manufacturerId The unique identifier for the manufacturer of the software release. String
name ReleaseName. String
patchLevel The Software Patch Update or Service Pack Level if applicable. String
softwareEdition The software_edition table contains information about various software editions, including their creation, deletion dates and its legacy ID. softwareEdition (CatalogSoftwareEdition*)
softwareEditionId The unique identifier for the software edition of the software release. String
softwareLifecycle The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates and availability. softwareLifecycle (CatalogSoftwareLifecycle*)
softwareMarketVersion The software_market_version table contains information about different versions of software products in the market. It includes details about the source, creation date, deletion reason, and compatibility status with legacy systems. softwareMarketVersion (CatalogSoftwareMarketVersion*)
softwareMarketVersionId The unique identifier for the software market version of the software release. String
softwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProduct (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
softwareProductId The unique identifier for the software product of the software release. String
softwareReleaseLinks The software_release_link table contains information about software releases and their corresponding links. It includes details such as the release ID, source, and timestamps. softwareReleaseLinks (CatalogSoftwareReleaseLink*)
softwareReleasePlatforms The software_release_platform table contains information about software releases, their corresponding platforms, platform type, label and also whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or to be deleted. softwareReleasePlatforms (CatalogSoftwareReleasePlatform*)
softwareVersion The software_version table contains information about different software versions, their sources, and associated metadata. It includes details such as the version number, creation date, and whether it is discontinued or deprecated. softwareVersion (CatalogSoftwareVersion*)
softwareVersionId The unique identifier for the software version of the software release. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP. DateTime



The software_release_link table contains information about software releases and their corresponding links. It includes details such as the release ID, source, and timestamps.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for specific type of software release link or association. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
formerDataPlatformId This is the Data Platform ID of the immediately previous iteration of the release in TP. Int
formerSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the immediately previous iteration of the release. String
id The unique identifier for the specific type of software release link or association. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
laterDataPlatformId This is the Data Platform ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the release in TP. Int
laterSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the release. String
latestDataPlatformId This is the Data Platform ID of the latest/ newest iteration of the release in TP. Int
latestSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the latest/ newest iteration of the release. String
oldestDataPlatformId This is the Data Platform ID of the oldest iteration of the release in TP. Int
oldestSoftwareReleaseId This is the software release ID of the oldest iteration of the release. String
softwareRelease The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareRelease (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
softwareReleaseId The unique identifier for the software release. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_release_platform table contains information about software releases, their corresponding platforms, platform type, label and also whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or to be deleted.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software release-platform. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software release-platform. String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
platform The platform table contains information about various software platforms, including their unique identifiers, creation and update dates, and deletion status. platform (CatalogPlatform*)
platformId The unique identifier for the platform. String
platformLabel Platform Label. String
platformType Platform Type. String
softwareRelease The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareRelease (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
softwareReleaseId The unique identifier for the software release. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The software_version table contains information about different software versions, their sources, and associated metadata. It includes details such as the version number, creation date, and whether it is discontinued or deprecated.

Field Description Type
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for software version. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
id The unique identifier for software version String
isDesupported A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown). Boolean
isDiscontinued A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown. Boolean
isMajor This Indicates Whether or Not This is a Major Release. Boolean
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
majorDataPlatformId If it is not the Major Version ID, this identifies the Version ID of a particular row’s Major Version in TP. Int
majorSoftwareVersionId If it is not the Major Version ID, this identifies the Version ID of a particular row’s Major Version. String
name The software version name or number. String
order A number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released. Int
patchLevel The software patch name or number, if applicable. String
softwareMarketVersion The software_market_version table contains information about different versions of software products in the market. It includes details about the source, creation date, deletion reason, and compatibility status with legacy systems. softwareMarketVersion (CatalogSoftwareMarketVersion*)
softwareMarketVersionId The unique identifier for the software market version. String
softwareProduct The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProduct (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
softwareProductId The unique identifier for the software product. String
softwareReleases The software_release table contains information about software releases, including details about the application, cloud platform, and manufacturer. It includes metadata such as the release date, patch level, and whether the software is discontinued, deprecated, or licensed. softwareReleases (CatalogSoftwareRelease*)
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
versionStage This indicates the stage within the lifecycle of a product version from its initial inception to the final/end form and beyond (for example beta or rc1). String



The taxonomy table contains information about categories and subcategories in the system. It includes details such as the source of the category, its creation date, and whether it should be deleted or not.

Field Description Type
category The taxonomy Parent Name. String
categoryDataPlatformId Data Platform ID for the Taxonomy Parent Name. Int
categoryGroup The optional attribute you can use to further simplify or re-organize the current, 2-level BDNA taxonomy into an additional, higher level. It groups the Taxonomy parent ID into several discrete buckets. String
categoryId The unique identifier for the Taxonomy Parent Name. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created in legacy Technopedia. DateTime
dataPlatformId Data Platform ID for taxonomy. Int
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
description A brief description of the taxonomy. String
hardwareProducts The hardware_product table contains information about various hardware products, including their source, creation date, and deletion reasons. hardwareProducts (CatalogHardwareProduct*)
id A brief description of the taxonomy. String
isToBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
softwareOrHardware The software or hardware taxonomy. String
softwareProducts The software_product table contains information about software products in the market. It includes details about the source, application, and cloud deployment. It also includes metadata about the product, such as its creation date and deletion reason. softwareProducts (CatalogSoftwareProduct*)
subcategory Second level category in Technopedia taxonomy. String
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made in legacy Technopedia. DateTime



The technopedia_version dataset contains information about the various versions of a product and its release date

Field Description Type
id One or more TechnopediaVersion GUIDs String
legal Legal String
releaseDate Release Date DateTime
version Version String



The cloud_instance dataset contains information about the cloud instances in your environment.

Field Description Type
billSource The source of bill information for the cloud instance. String
billingAccountId The billing account identifier for the cloud instance. String
clockSpeed The clock speed of the cloud instance. String
costCenter The cost center of the cloud instance. String
deploymentModel The deployment model of the cloud instance. String
id Internal identifier for the cloud instance. String
instanceType The type of the cloud instance. String
location The location of the cloud instance. String
memory Represents the total memory capacity of the cloud instance. String
name The name of the cloud instance, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
networkPerformance The network performance of the cloud instance. String
physicalProcessor The physical processor of the cloud instance. String
provider The provider of the cloud instance. String
resourceId The resource identifier of the cloud instance. String
service The service of the cloud instance. String
storage The storage of the cloud instance. String
vcpu Represents the total vCPU capacity of the cloud instance. Int
vendorAccountId The vendor account identifier for the cloud instance. String
vendorAccountName The vendor account name of the cloud instance. String



The cloud_instance_spend dataset contains information about the spend incurred by a cloud instance on a date.

Field Description Type
billingCurrencyCode The currency in which the spend was originally incurred. String
cloudInstance The cloud_instance dataset contains information about the cloud instances in your environment. cloudInstance
cloudInstanceId Identifier for the cloud instance. String
computeRate The compute rate for the cloud instance. Float
currencyCode The currency in which monetary amounts are provided String
date The date when the spend on the cloud instance was incurred. DateTime
discount The discount received on the cloud instance spend. Float
exchangeRateDate The date to use when looking up the exchange rates for this cloud instance spend. DateTime
hourlyInstanceRate The hourly rate for the cloud instance. Float
lineItemType The line item type for the cloud instance. String
netComputeSpend The net compute spend on the cloud instance. Float
netInstanceSpend The net spend on the cloud instance. Float
purchaseOption The purchase option for the cloud instance. String
rateCode The rate code for the incurred cloud instance spend. String
usageAmount The number of hours the cloud instance was used on the date. Float



The cloud_software dataset contains information about software which can be hosted in the cloud.

Field Description Type
category The category of the cloud hosted software. String
id Internal identifier for the cloud hosted software. Int
manufacturer Manufacturer name of the cloud hosted software. String
name Name of the cloud hosted software. String
productName The product name of the cloud hosted software. String
productSoftwareRecognitionId The identifier of this software product String



The cloud_software_spend dataset contains information about the spend incurred by cloud software on a cloud instance on a date.

Field Description Type
billEntity The publisher type of the billing record, for example Marketplace String
billingCurrencyCode The currency in which the spend was originally incurred. String
cloudInstanceId Identifier for the cloud instance. String
cloudSoftwareId Identifier for the cloud software. Int
currencyCode The currency in which monetary amounts are provided String
date The date when the spend on the cloud software was incurred. DateTime
discount The discount received on the cloud software spend. Float
exchangeRateDate The date to use when looking up the exchange rates for this cloud software spend. DateTime
hourlyPaygRate The hourly PAYG rate for the cloud software on the cloud instance. Float
instance The cloud_instance dataset contains information about the cloud instances in your environment. instance (CloudInstance*)
licenseModel The license model for the cloud software on the cloud instance. String
licenseStatus The license status specifies BYOL future conversion option (Eligible/Not Applicable) or present status (BYOL) String
lineItemType The line item type for the cloud software spend. String
netByolSavings The net BYOL savings. Float
netPaygSpend The net PAYG spend for the cloud software. This is always provided in USD. Float
purchaseOption The purchase option for the cloud software spend. String
rateCode The rate code for the incurred cloud software spend. String
software The cloud_software dataset contains information about software which can be hosted in the cloud. software (CloudSoftware*)
usageAmount The number of hours the cloud software was used on the cloud instance on the date. Float
vcpuHours The total of vCPU hours for the cloud software spend. Float



The cloud_windows_server dataset contains information about the spend and licenses for windows server.

Field Description Type
accountId The unique identifier for the cloud account associated with this VM. String
accountName The name of the cloud account associated with this resource. String
billingCurrencyCode The currency in which the spend was originally incurred. String
cloudInstanceId Identifier for the cloud instance of this VM. String
cloudProvider The cloud provider for this VM. String
cloudSoftwareId Identifier for the cloud software of this VM. Int
costCenter Identifier for the cost center associated with this VM. String
currencyCode The currency in which monetary amounts are provided String
date The date when the spend on the cloud software was incurred. DateTime
exchangeRateDate The date to use when looking up the exchange rates for this cloud software spend. DateTime
hourlySpend The hourly PAYG rate for the cloud software on the cloud instance. Float
instance The cloud_instance dataset contains information about the cloud instances in your environment. instance (CloudInstance*)
instanceType The instance type of this VM. String
licenseModel The license model value provided by the cloud provider for this VM String
licenseStatus The license status Flexera is calculating for this VM. String
licensesRequired The number of licenses required for the VM. Int
netByolOsSavings The net BYOL savings for OS. Float
region The region the VM resides in. String
resourceId Unique identifier for this resource as provided by the provider String
resourceName The name of this VM. String
software The cloud_software dataset contains information about software which can be hosted in the cloud. software (CloudSoftware*)
softwareSpend The net PAYG spend for the cloud software. Float
usageAmount The number of hours the cloud software was used on the cloud instance on the date. Float
vcpuHours The total of vCPU hours for the cloud software spend. Float
vcpus The number of vCPUs for this VM. Int



The vulnerability_cpe dataset contains information about CPE and associated information

Field Description Type
cpeId The unique identifier for the CPE. String
cpeTitle Representation of URI for CPE which ncludes a formal name format, method for checking names against a system. String
cpeUri Representation of URI for CPE which ncludes a formal name format, method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding. String



The vulnerability_cve dataset contains information about CVE, Risk Monitoring and associated information.

Field Description Type
attackComplexity The complexity of the attack required to exploit the vulnerability. String
attackComplexityLevel Numeric indicator for attack complexity. Int
attackRequirement The prerequisite deployment and execution conditions or variables of the vulnerable system that enable the attack String
attackRequirementLevel Numeric indicator for attack requirement. Int
attackVector Translation of the numeric indicator in attack_vector_level. String
attackVectorLevel Numeric indicator for where the vulnerability can be exploited. Int
authentication The number of times an attacker must authenticate to a target in order to exploit a vulnerability. String
authenticationLevel Numeric indicator for authentication. Int
criticality Numeric score for the vulnerability criticality ranges from 1 - 5. Int
criticalityLabel Translation of the numeric score in criticality, where: 1: Extremely Critical,2: Highly Critical,3: Moderately Critical,4: Less Critical,5: Not Critical. String
cvePublishDate The date that the CVE entry was last modified in the NVD. This refers to ns2:last-modified-datetime column in CPE Dictionary, which is published by the U.S. NIST. String
cveTitle Actual CVE number for the Vulnerability. String
cvssScore Base Score according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). Float
cvssVector Base Vector value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). String
cvssVersion Version according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). String
exploitedInTheWild Threat reason from SVM feed to consider for exploited in the wild. String
malwares The vulnerability_malware dataset contains information about Malwares and associated CVE details. malwares (Malware*)
privilegesRequired The level of privileges an attacker must possess before successfully exploiting the vulnerability. String
privilegesRequiredLevel Numeric indicator for privileges required. Int
scope The collection of privileges defined by a computing authority when granting access to computing resources. String
scopeLevel Numeric indicator for scope. Int
subsequentSystemAvailability The impact to the availability of the impacted system resulting from a successfully exploited vulnerability. String
subsequentSystemAvailabilityLevel Numeric indicator for subsequent availability. Int
subsequentSystemConfidentiality The impact to the confidentiality of the information managed by the system due to a successfully exploited vulnerability. String
subsequentSystemConfidentialityLevel Numeric indicator for subsequent confidentiality. Int
subsequentSystemIntegrity The impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. String
subsequentSystemIntegrityLevel Numeric indicator for subsequent integrity. Int
threatExploitRiskLabel Represents the risk level of exploited threat. String
threatExploitRiskLevel Numeric score for the threat score ranges from 1 - 7 Int
threatRules The vulnerability_threat_rule dataset contains information about threat rules and associated CVE details. threatRules (ThreatRule*)
threatScore Threat score generated by in-house logic based on the exploited rules for all CVEs references in the advisory. String
userInteraction The requirement for a user, other than the attacker, to participate in the successful compromise of the vulnerable component. String
userInteractionLevel Numeric indicator for user interaction. Int
vulnerableSystemAvailability The impact to the availability of the impacted component resulting from a successfully exploited vulnerability. String
vulnerableSystemAvailabilityLevel Numeric indicator for vulnerable availability. Int
vulnerableSystemConfidentiality The impact to the confidentiality of the information resources managed by a software component due to a successfully exploited vulnerability. String
vulnerableSystemConfidentialityLevel Numeric indicator for vulnerable confidentiality. Int
vulnerableSystemIntegrity The impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. String
vulnerableSystemIntegrityLevel Numeric indicator for vulnerable integrity. Int



The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details.

Field Description Type
biosFirmwareRevision Reports the revision of software running on the processor on a device. String
biosReleaseDate Date when the BIOS was released. DateTime
biosVersion Identifier for the BIOS version. String
businessServices The device_business_service dataset contains information about the business service aplication and associated devices. businessServices (DeviceBusinessService*)
businessUnit Identifier for the business unit responsible for the device. String
calculatedUser Represents the user account calculated by the device, providing information about the device's user-facing capabilities. String
chassisType Identifier for the chassis type of the device. String
costCenter Identifier for the cost center responsible for the device. String
createdAt The date and time when the device was first recorded. DateTime
domain Represents the domain or category of the device, providing context for its use and purpose. String
evidenceManufacturerName Name of the manufacturer of the evidence associated with the device, providing human-readable identification. String
evidenceModelName Name of the model of the evidence associated with the device, providing human-readable identification. String
familyId Identifier for the device family. String
fileSystems The device_file_system table contains information about the file systems present on various devices. It includes details such as the file system name, type, mount point, size, and usage. This data can be useful for monitoring device storage usage. fileSystems (DeviceFileSystem*)
hardwareEvidences The hardware_evidence dataset contains information about hardware evidences, their versions, and associated details. hardwareEvidences (DeviceHardwareEvidence*)
hddTotalSpace Represents the total storage capacity of the device's hard disk drive(s). Int
id Internal identifier for the device. String
ignored A boolean flag indicating whether the device should be ignored or not. Boolean
inventoryAgent Identifies the agent responsible for managing the device's inventory. String
inventoryDate The date when the device was added to the inventory. DateTime
kernelName The kernel name of the system, in case of Windows it is caption. String
kernelRelease The kernel version of the system. String
kwhYear This is a flag to indicate the estimated annual kilowatt-hours of energy consumption by the hardware. Float
lastLoggedonUser Represents the user who last logged into the device. String
lastUpdateSuccess The time at which a scan was last successfully associated with this Host. DateTime
lifecycle The device_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of devices in your inventory. It includes details about the general availability, obsolete status, and introduction of devices. lifecycle (DeviceLifecycle*)
lifecycleId Identifier for the device lifecycle. String
location Identifier for the location of the device. String
manufacturer The device_manufacturer dataset contains information about various device manufacturers. manufacturer (DeviceManufacturer*)
manufacturerId Identifier for the device manufacturer. String
manufacturerName Name of the device manufacturer, providing human-readable identification. String
maxClockSpeed Represents the maximum clock speed of the device's processor. Int
model The device_model dataset contains information about different device models and their specifications. model (DeviceModel*)
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
modelName Name of the device model, providing human-readable identification. String
name The name of the device, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
networkAdapters The device_network_adapter dataset contains information about network adapters associated with devices in your inventory. It includes details such as the device's IP addresses and MAC addresses. networkAdapters (DeviceNetworkAdapter*)
numberOfCores Represents the total number of physical cores in the device. Int
numberOfDisplayAdapters Represents the number of display adapters in the device. Int
numberOfHdd Represents the number of hard disk drives (HDDs) in the device. Int
numberOfLogicalCores Represents the total number of logical cores in the device, which is the number of virtual cores that can be used by the operating system. Int
numberOfProcessors Represents the number of processors in the device. Int
operatingSystem The device_operating_system dataset contains information about the operating systems used by various devices in your inventory. operatingSystem (DeviceOperatingSystem*)
osProductId Identifier for the device operating system product. String
osReleaseId Identifier for the device operating system release. String
platformId Identifier for the device platform. String
platformLabel Represents the label or name of the device's platform. String
platformType Represents the type of the device's platform, such as operating system or firmware. String
processorName Represents the name of the device's processor. String
processors The device_processor dataset contains information about the processors used in various devices. It includes details such as the clock speed and core count. processors (DeviceProcessor*)
product The device_product dataset contains information about various devices and their product categories. product (DeviceProduct*)
productId Identifier for the device product. String
productName Name of the device product, providing human-readable identification. String
scope1KgCo2E This flag represents the direct greenhouse gas emissions from the hardware operation, like energy use during its functioning. Float
scope2KgCo2E This flag represents the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity used by the hardware during its operation. Float
scope3KgCo2E This flag represents all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions throughout the hardware lifecycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life management. Float
serialNumber Unique identifier for the device, allowing tracking and management of individual devices. String
servicePack Represents the service pack or version of the device's software. String
software The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details. software (DeviceSoftware*)
softwareEvidences The software_evidence dataset contains information about software evidences, their versions, and associated details. softwareEvidences (DeviceSoftwareEvidence*)
sources The device_source dataset contains information about the data sources that provide device information from your inventory. sources (DeviceSource*)
taxonomy The device_taxonomy dataset categorizes and groups devices based on their unique characteristics. taxonomy (DeviceTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId Identifier for the device taxonomy. String
tcpKeepalive Number of seconds to keep network connection alive. Int
timeZone Name of the timezone. String
totalKgCo2EYear Estimates the total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the hardware operation, measured in kilograms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Float
totalMemory Represents the total memory capacity of the device. Int
upTime The uptime of the device in seconds. Int
updatedAt The date and time when the device was last updated or modified. DateTime
vmHostId Internal identifier for the host device of virtual machine. String
vmType Type of virtual machine device whether it is a VM host or a VM guest device. String
vmUuid Identifier for the virtual machine. String



The device_business_service dataset contains information about the business service aplication and associated devices.

Field Description Type
deviceId Identifier for the device the business service is associated with. String
id The unique identifier for business service. String
name The Business Service Application Name. String
riscStackUrl The Business Service Application URl to RISC String
serviceId Identifier for the business sevice application associated with it. String



The device_file_system table contains information about the file systems present on various devices. It includes details such as the file system name, type, mount point, size, and usage. This data can be useful for monitoring device storage usage.

Field Description Type
fileSystemName The name of the file system String
fileSystemPermission The permissions defined for the mount. Only applies to Unix platforms String
fileSystemType The file System Type String
id Identifier for the device file system String
mountPoint The file system mount String
sizeInKb The file system size in KB Int
usedInKb The file system used in KB Int



The hardware_evidence dataset contains information about hardware evidences, their versions, and associated details.

Field Description Type
dataSourceCaption Describes the caption of the data source associated with the hardware being installed. String
dataSourceId Identifier for the data source associated with the hardware being installed. String
deviceId Identifier for the device where the hardware is being installed. String
domain Represents the domain of the hardware being installed. String
evidenceHash Evidence hash for the hardware installer evidence record. String
evidenceId Identifier for the hardware installer evidence record. String
id Identifier for the hardware evidence. String
inventoryDate The date when the hardware was installed. String
machineId Identifier for the machine where the hardware was installed. String
manufacturer Identifies the manufacturer of the hardware being installed. String
modelNo Represents the model_no of the hardware being installed. String
name Represents the title of the hardware being installed. String
recognitionStatus Represents the status of the hardware being installed. String
serialNumber Represents the serial_number of the hardware being installed. String



The device_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of devices in your inventory. It includes details about the general availability, obsolete status, and introduction of devices.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device lifecycle. Int
daysUntilGeneralAvailabilityDate The number of days until the general availability date. Int
daysUntilIntroductionDate The number of days until the introduction date. Int
daysUntilLastAvailabilityDate The number of days until the last availability date. Int
daysUntilObsoleteDate The number of days until the obsolete date. Int
generalAvailability Represents the general availability of the device. String
generalAvailabilityDate The date when the device became generally available. DateTime
generalAvailabilityException Any exceptions or conditions that affect the general availability of the device. String
generalAvailabilityRangeEnd The end date of the general availability range. String
generalAvailabilityRangeStart The start date of the general availability range. String
id Unique identifier for the device lifecycle record. String
introductionDate The date when the device was introduced to the market. DateTime
introductionException Any exceptions or conditions that affect the introduction of the device. String
introductionRangeEnd The end date of the introduction range. String
introductionRangeStart The start date of the introduction range. String
isGeneralAvailabilityDateExpired Represents whether the general availability date has already passed or not. Boolean
isIntroductionDateExpired Represents whether the introduction date has already passed or not. Boolean
isLastAvailabilityDateExpired Represents whether the last availability date has already passed or not. Boolean
isObsoleteDateExpired Represents whether the obsolete date has already passed or not. Boolean
lastAvailability Represents the last availability status of the device. String
lastAvailabilityDate The date when the device was last available. DateTime
lastAvailabilityException Any exceptions or conditions that affect the last availability status of the device. String
lastAvailabilityRangeEnd The end date of the last availability range. String
lastAvailabilityRangeStart The start date of the last availability range. String
obsolete Indicates whether the device is considered obsolete or not. String
obsoleteDate The date when the device was declared obsolete. DateTime
obsoleteException Any exceptions or conditions that affect the obsolete status of the device. String
obsoleteRangeEnd The end date of the obsolete range. String
obsoleteRangeStart The start date of the obsolete range. String



The device_manufacturer dataset contains information about various device manufacturers.

Field Description Type
acquiredDate The date when the device manufacturer was acquired. String
city The city where the device manufacturer is located. String
country The country where the device manufacturer is located. String
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device manufacturer. Int
description A brief description of the device manufacturer, its products, or services. String
email The email address of the device manufacturer's primary contact. String
employees The number of employees working for the device manufacturer. String
employeesDate The date when the device manufacturer was founded. DateTime
fax The fax number of the device manufacturer's primary contact. String
fiscalEndDate The date when the device manufacturer's fiscal year ends. DateTime
id Unique identifier for the device manufacturer. String
industryTagTitle A tag or label that identifies the device manufacturer's industry. String
isPubliclyTraded A boolean value indicating whether the device manufacturer is publicly traded or not. Boolean
knownAs The device manufacturer's brand name or other well-known names. String
legal The legal entity or structure of the device manufacturer. String
name The device manufacturer's name. String
ownerId The unique identifier for the owner of the device manufacturer. String
phone The phone number of the device manufacturer's primary contact. String
profitsDate The date when the device manufacturer's profits were last reported. DateTime
profitsPerYear The profits generated by the device manufacturer in a given year. Int
revenue The total revenue generated by the device manufacturer in a given year. Int
revenueDate Represents the date of revenue for the device manufacturer. DateTime
shortName A shortened version of the manufacturer's name for easy reference and identification. String
state The state where the device manufacturer is located. String
street The street address of the device manufacturer's location. String
symbol A stock symbol representing the device manufacturer for financial tracking and reporting. String
tier Represents the tier or level of the device manufacturer in the industry, indicating their market position. Int
website The website address of the device manufacturer, providing a way to access more information about their products and services. String
zip The zip code of the device manufacturer's location, allowing for more specific geographical tracking. String



The device_model dataset contains information about different device models and their specifications.

Field Description Type
connectivity The device_model_connectivity dataset contains information about the connectivity standards and types for various device models. connectivity (DeviceModelConnectivity*)
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device model. Int
hardwareFamilyName Represents the hardware family name of the device model, allowing categorization and comparison of devices. String
id Unique identifier for the device model. String
isDesupported A boolean flag indicating whether the device model is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Boolean
isDiscontinued A boolean flag indicating whether the device model is no longer available for purchase. Boolean
name The name of the device model, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
power The device_model_power dataset contains detailed power-related specifications for various devices in your inventory. It includes information on AC and DC power consumption, voltage, and battery life. power (DeviceModelPower*)
profile The device_model_profile dataset contains detailed information about various devices in your inventory. It includes specifications such as bore size, depth, diameter, height, and weight. profile (DeviceModelProfile*)
supportedOs The operating system(s) the device model supports, providing information about compatibility. String
sustainability The device_model_sustainability dataset contains information about sustainability features of hardware model. sustainability (DeviceModelSustainability*)



The device_model_connectivity dataset contains information about the connectivity standards and types for various device models.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device model connectivity. Int
id Unique identifier for the device model connectivity record. String
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
name The name of the device model, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
standard The standard to which the device model conforms, indicating the compatibility with other systems. String
standardVersion The version of the standard to which the device model conforms, indicating the compatibility with other systems. String
type The type of device model, providing a categorization for the device. String



The device_model_power dataset contains detailed power-related specifications for various devices in your inventory. It includes information on AC and DC power consumption, voltage, and battery life.

Field Description Type
acCurrentHighMax Maximum AC current value for the device. Float
acCurrentHighMin Minimum AC current value for the device. Float
acCurrentLowMax Maximum AC current value for the device. Float
acCurrentLowMin Minimum AC current value for the device. Float
acFrequencyMax Maximum AC frequency value for the device. Float
acFrequencyMin Minimum AC frequency value for the device. Float
acHeatDissipationAverage Average heat dissipation value for the device. String
acHeatDissipationMax Maximum heat dissipation value for the device. String
acPhase The number of AC phases used by the device. Int
acPowerAverage Average AC power value for the device. String
acPowerAverageUnit Unit of measurement for the average AC power value. String
acPowerMax Maximum AC power value for the device. String
acPowerMaxUnit Unit of measurement for the maximum AC power value. String
acVoltageHighMax Maximum AC voltage value for the device. Float
acVoltageHighMin Minimum AC voltage value for the device. Float
acVoltageLowMax Maximum AC voltage value for the device. Float
acVoltageLowMin Minimum AC voltage value for the device. Float
batteryLife The battery life of the device, indicating the duration of operation without recharging. Int
batteryType Represents the type of battery used in the device. String
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device model power. Int
dcCurrentHigh The maximum DC current of the device. Float
dcCurrentLow The minimum DC current of the device. Float
dcHeatDissipationAverage The average heat dissipation of the device in DC mode. String
dcHeatDissipationMax The maximum heat dissipation of the device in DC mode. String
dcPowerAverage The average power consumption of the device in DC mode. String
dcPowerMax The maximum power consumption of the device in DC mode. String
dcVoltageHigh The maximum DC voltage of the device. Float
dcVoltageLow The minimum DC voltage of the device. Float
deleteReason The reason for deleting the device from inventory. String
emergencyPower Indicates if the device has an emergency power source. String
epeat Represents the repeatability of the device's performance. String
hasDedicatedCircuit A boolean flag indicating if the device has a dedicated circuit. Boolean
id Unique identifier for the device model power record. String
isEnergyStar A boolean flag indicating if the device meets Energy Star requirements. Boolean
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
nonOperatingHumidityMax The maximum non-operating humidity level of the device. Float
nonOperatingHumidityMin The minimum non-operating humidity level of the device. Float
nonOperatingTemperatureMax The maximum non-operating temperature level of the device. Float
nonOperatingTemperatureMin The minimum non-operating temperature level of the device. Float
operatingHumidityMax The maximum operating humidity level of the device. Float
operatingHumidityMin The minimum operating humidity level of the device. Float
operatingTemperatureMax Represents the maximum operating temperature of the device. Float
operatingTemperatureMin Represents the minimum operating temperature of the device. Float
plugType Specifies the type of plug required for the device. String
powerRating Represents the power rating of the device, measured in watts. String



The device_model_profile dataset contains detailed information about various devices in your inventory. It includes specifications such as bore size, depth, diameter, height, and weight.

Field Description Type
boreSize Represents the bore size of the device, providing information about the device's capabilities. Float
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device model profile. Int
depthMax Maximum depth the device can reach, allowing users to understand the device's limitations. Float
depthMin Minimum depth the device can reach, providing information about the device's limitations. Float
diameter Represents the diameter of the device, providing information about the device's capabilities. Float
heightMax Maximum height the device can reach, allowing users to understand the device's limitations. Float
heightMin Minimum height the device can reach, providing information about the device's limitations. Float
id Unique identifier for the device model profile. String
isDesupported A boolean flag indicating whether the device model is desupported or not. Boolean
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
mounting Describes the device's mounting options, allowing users to understand how the device can be installed. String
name The name of the device model, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
profile Describes the device's profile, providing information about the device's shape and dimensions. String
roomSizeMin Represents the minimum room size required for the device, allowing users to understand the device's space requirements. Float
volume Represents the device's volume, providing information about the device's size and capacity. Float
weightMax Maximum weight the device can handle, allowing users to understand the device's load-bearing capacity. Float
weightMin Minimum weight the device can handle, providing information about the device's load-bearing capacity. Float
widthMax Maximum width the device can handle, allowing users to understand the device's load-bearing capacity. Float
widthMin Minimum width the device can handle, providing information about the device's load-bearing capacity. Float



The device_model_sustainability dataset contains information about sustainability features of hardware model.

Field Description Type
eightyPlus This rating indicates the efficiency of the power supply in converting AC power from the wall to DC power used by the computer. String
energyStar This is a flag to indicate whether the device has earned the Energy Star certification or not. Int
energyStarScore The is a flag to indicate if the hardware has earned the Energy Star certification. Float
epeat This is a flag to indicate which EPEAT certification the device has earned: Gold, Silver, or Bronze. String
greenCertification Certifications indicating compliance with environmental standards. String
greenScore The rating of the hardware environmental-friendly level. Float
id The unique identifier for hardware sustainability. String
kwhYear This is a flag to indicate the estimated annual kilowatt-hours of energy consumption by the hardware. Float
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
pue PUE stands for Power Usage Effectiveness. This metric is relevant for data centers and server rooms.It measures the total amount of energy used by the facility divided by the energy delivered to the computing equipment. Float
scope1KgCo2E This flag represents the direct greenhouse gas emissions from the hardware operation, like energy use during its functioning. Float
scope2KgCo2E This flag represents the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity used by the hardware during its operation. Float
scope3KgCo2E This flag represents all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions throughout the hardware lifecycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life management. Float
totalKgCo2EYear Estimates the total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the hardware operation, measured in kilograms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Float



The device_network_adapter dataset contains information about network adapters associated with devices in your inventory. It includes details such as the device's IP addresses and MAC addresses.

Field Description Type
computerIdx Index for the computer the network adapter is associated with, providing a way to track network adapters for different computers. Int
deviceId Identifier for the device the network adapter is associated with, allowing tracking of network adapters for different devices. String
fqdn Comma delimited list of names that the IP address maps to. String
hostDuplex The duplex setting String
hostSpeed The current speed in Mbps Int
id Identifier for the device network adapter. String
interfaceName Interface name of the Network Interface. String
ipv4Address IPv4 address of the network adapter, allowing tracking of network adapters based on their IP address. String
ipv6Address IPv6 address of the network adapter, allowing tracking of network adapters based on their IP address. String
mac MAC (Media Access Control) address of the network adapter, allowing tracking of network adapters based on their MAC address. String
netmask IPv4 subnet mask. String
subnet Range of IP addresses in the subnet. String



The device_operating_system dataset contains information about the operating systems used by various devices in your inventory.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device operating system. Int
id Unique identifier for the device operating system. String
name The name of the device operating system, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
platformLabel A label for the platform that the device operating system is built upon. String



The device_processor dataset contains information about the processors used in various devices. It includes details such as the clock speed and core count.

Field Description Type
clockSpeedMax Maximum clock speed of the processor. Int
computerIdx Index of the computer the processor is associated with. Int
coreCount Number of processing cores in the processor. Int
deviceId Identifier for the device the processor is associated with. String
id Identifier for the device processor. String
logicalCount Number of logical processing units in the processor. Int
name Name of the device processor. String



The device_product dataset contains information about various devices and their product categories.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for device product. Int
hardwareFamilyName Represents the hardware family name of the device product. String
id Unique identifier for each device product. String
isDesupported A boolean flag indicating if the device product is desupported. Boolean
isDiscontinued A boolean flag indicating if the device product is discontinued. Boolean
name The name of the device product. String
vendorCategory Represents the category of the vendor that manufactures the device product. String



The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details.

Field Description Type
arlId Identifier for the ARL (Application Reference Library) of the software. String
createdAt The timestamp when the software was created or added to the inventory. DateTime
deviceId Identifier for the device the software is associated with. String
edition The software_edition dataset contains information about different editions of software products in your inventory. edition (SoftwareEdition*)
editionId Identifier for the edition of the software. String
editionName Name of the edition of the software. String
familyId Identifier for the family of software the software belongs to. String
fileEvidence The software_file_evidence dataset contains metadata about software files identified on a device. fileEvidence (SoftwareFileEvidence*)
id Identifier for the software record. String
installerEvidence The software_installer_evidence dataset contains metadata about software installations identified on a device. installerEvidence (SoftwareInstallerEvidence*)
isOperatingSystem A boolean value indicating whether the software is an operating system. Boolean
lifecycle The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates, support levels, and availability. lifecycle (SoftwareLifecycle*)
lifecycleId Identifier for the lifecycle stage of the software. String
majorVersionId Identifier for the major version of the software. String
manufacturer The software_manufacturer dataset contains information about various software manufacturers. manufacturer (SoftwareManufacturer*)
manufacturerId Identifier for the manufacturer of the software. String
manufacturerName Name of the manufacturer of the software. String
marketVersionId Identifier for the market version of the software. String
name Name of the software. String
operatingSystemEvidence The operating_system_evidence dataset contains information about the operating systems installed on various devices. operatingSystemEvidence
product The software_product dataset contains information about software products in the inventory. product (SoftwareProduct*)
productId Identifier for the product the software is associated with. String
productName Name of the product the software is associated with. String
release The software_release dataset contains information about various software releases, including details about deployment, licensing, and discontinuation statuses. release (SoftwareRelease*)
releaseId Identifier for the release of the software. String
taxonomy The software_taxonomy dataset provides a categorization of software products in the inventory. taxonomy (SoftwareTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId Identifier for the taxonomy of the software. String
updatedAt The timestamp when the software was last updated or modified in the inventory. DateTime
version The software_version dataset contains information about various software versions, including their market names and patch levels. version (SoftwareVersion*)
versionId Identifier for the version of the software. String
versionName Name of the version of the software. String
vulnerabilities The vulnerability dataset contains information about vulnerabilities, CVE and associated details. vulnerabilities (Vulnerability*)



The software_evidence dataset contains information about software evidences, their versions, and associated details.

Field Description Type
dataSourceCaption Describes the caption of the data source associated with the software being installed. String
dataSourceId Identifier for the data source associated with the software being installed. String
deviceId Identifier for the device where the software is being installed. String
evidenceHash Evidence hash for the software installer evidence record. String
id Identifier for the software evidence. String
installationPath Path where the software has been installed. String
inventoryDate The date when the software was installed. String
machineId Identifier for the machine where the software was installed. String
manufacturer Identifies the manufacturer of the software being installed. String
recognitionStatus Represents the status of the software being installed. String
source Represents the source of the software being installed. String
title Represents the title of the software being installed. String
version Represents the version of the software being installed. String



The device_source dataset contains information about the data sources that provide device information from your inventory.

Field Description Type
computerIdx Index of the computer associated with the device source. Int
dataSourceCaption A human-readable description of the device source. String
dataSourceId Unique identifier for the device source. String
dataSourceType Represents the type of device source, providing context for the device source. String
deviceId Identifier for the device associated with the device source. String
id Identifier for the device source. String
inventoryDate The date when the device source was added to the inventory. DateTime
machineId Identifier for the machine associated with the device source. String



The device_taxonomy dataset categorizes and groups devices based on their unique characteristics.

Field Description Type
category Represents the main category of the device, providing a general classification. String
categoryGroup Represents the group of categories within the device taxonomy, allowing for further categorization. String
dataPlatformId Data platfrom Legacy ID for device taxonomy. Int
description Provides a detailed description of the device, giving more context to the category and subcategory. String
id Unique identifier for each device taxonomy record. String
subcategory Represents the subcategory of the device, allowing for more specific categorization. String



The vulnerability_kb_article dataset contains information about kb articles and associated details.

Field Description Type
createdOn Date when an entry was first created in VulnTrack/SVM. String
deleteReason Reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
description Description of kbArticle. String
heading Title of kbArticle. String
id The unique identifier for the kb article. String
kbArticle The kbArticle Information. Int
manufacturerId Identifier for Manufacturer String
publishedOn Date when last modification to the entry was made in VulnTrack/SVM String
replacementId Identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion. String



The vulnerability_malware dataset contains information about Malwares and associated CVE details.

Field Description Type
malwareName Name of the Malware. String



The operating_system_evidence dataset contains information about the operating systems installed on various devices.

Field Description Type
arlId Identifier for the associated release label of the operating system evidence. String
caption Caption or description of the operating system evidence. String
dataSourceCaption Caption or description of the data source associated with the operating system evidence. String
dataSourceId Identifier for the data source associated with the operating system evidence. String
dataSourceType Type of data source associated with the operating system evidence. String
deviceId Identifier for the device associated with the operating system evidence. String
editionId Identifier for the edition of the operating system evidence. String
id Identifier for the operating system evidence record. String
installId Identifier for the installation associated with the operating system evidence. String
machineId Identifier for the machine associated with the operating system evidence. String
manufacturer Manufacturer of the operating system evidence. String
name Name of the operating system evidence. String
productId Identifier for the product associated with the operating system evidence. String
releaseId Identifier for the release of the operating system evidence. String
resourceId Identifier for the resource associated with the operating system evidence. String
softwareId Identifier for the software associated with the operating system evidence. String
version Version number of the operating system evidence. String
versionId Identifier for the version of the operating system evidence. String



The entry point for all GraphQL queries.

Field Description Type
businessServices The device_business_service_agg dataset contains unique business service data grouped by name, service_id businessServices (BusinessService*)
catalog The catalog dataset contains information about the various technopedia datasets catalog
cloudInstanceSpends The cloud_instance_spend dataset contains information about the spend incurred by a cloud instance on a date. cloudInstanceSpends (CloudInstanceSpend*)
cloudSoftwareSpends The cloud_software_spend dataset contains information about the spend incurred by cloud software on a cloud instance on a date. cloudSoftwareSpends (CloudSoftwareSpend*)
cloudWindowsServers The cloud_windows_server dataset contains information about the spend and licenses for windows server. cloudWindowsServers (CloudWindowsServer*)
devices The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details. devices (Device*)
software The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details. software
virtualMachineHosts The virtual_machine_host dataset contains information about virtual machine host. virtualMachineHosts (VirtualMachineHost*)



The software dataset contains information about software products, their versions, and associated details.

Field Description Type
arlId Identifier for the ARL (Application Reference Library) of the software. String
createdAt The timestamp when the software was created or added to the inventory. DateTime
device The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details. device (SoftwareDevice*)
deviceId Identifier for the device the software is associated with. String
edition The software_edition dataset contains information about different editions of software products in your inventory. edition (SoftwareEdition*)
editionId Identifier for the edition of the software. String
editionName Name of the edition of the software. String
familyId Identifier for the family of software the software belongs to. String
fileEvidence The software_file_evidence dataset contains metadata about software files identified on a device. fileEvidence (SoftwareFileEvidence*)
id Identifier for the software record. String
installerEvidence The software_installer_evidence dataset contains metadata about software installations identified on a device. installerEvidence (SoftwareInstallerEvidence*)
isOperatingSystem A boolean value indicating whether the software is an operating system. Boolean
lifecycle The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates, support levels, and availability. lifecycle (SoftwareLifecycle*)
lifecycleId Identifier for the lifecycle stage of the software. String
majorVersionId Identifier for the major version of the software. String
manufacturer The software_manufacturer dataset contains information about various software manufacturers. manufacturer (SoftwareManufacturer*)
manufacturerId Identifier for the manufacturer of the software. String
manufacturerName Name of the manufacturer of the software. String
marketVersionId Identifier for the market version of the software. String
name Name of the software. String
operatingSystemEvidence The operating_system_evidence dataset contains information about the operating systems installed on various devices. operatingSystemEvidence
product The software_product dataset contains information about software products in the inventory. product (SoftwareProduct*)
productId Identifier for the product the software is associated with. String
productName Name of the product the software is associated with. String
release The software_release dataset contains information about various software releases, including details about deployment, licensing, and discontinuation statuses. release (SoftwareRelease*)
releaseId Identifier for the release of the software. String
taxonomy The software_taxonomy dataset provides a categorization of software products in the inventory. taxonomy (SoftwareTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId Identifier for the taxonomy of the software. String
updatedAt The timestamp when the software was last updated or modified in the inventory. DateTime
version The software_version dataset contains information about various software versions, including their market names and patch levels. version (SoftwareVersion*)
versionId Identifier for the version of the software. String
versionName Name of the version of the software. String
vulnerabilities The vulnerability dataset contains information about vulnerabilities, CVE and associated details. vulnerabilities (Vulnerability*)



The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details.

Field Description Type
biosFirmwareRevision Reports the revision of software running on the processor on a device. String
biosReleaseDate Date when the BIOS was released. DateTime
biosVersion Identifier for the BIOS version. String
businessServices The device_business_service dataset contains information about the business service aplication and associated devices. businessServices (DeviceBusinessService*)
businessUnit Identifier for the business unit responsible for the device. String
calculatedUser Represents the user account calculated by the device, providing information about the device's user-facing capabilities. String
chassisType Identifier for the chassis type of the device. String
costCenter Identifier for the cost center responsible for the device. String
createdAt The date and time when the device was first recorded. DateTime
domain Represents the domain or category of the device, providing context for its use and purpose. String
evidenceManufacturerName Name of the manufacturer of the evidence associated with the device, providing human-readable identification. String
evidenceModelName Name of the model of the evidence associated with the device, providing human-readable identification. String
familyId Identifier for the device family. String
hddTotalSpace Represents the total storage capacity of the device's hard disk drive(s). Int
id Internal identifier for the device. String
ignored A boolean flag indicating whether the device should be ignored or not. Boolean
inventoryAgent Identifies the agent responsible for managing the device's inventory. String
inventoryDate The date when the device was added to the inventory. DateTime
kernelName The kernel name of the system, in case of Windows it is caption. String
kernelRelease The kernel version of the system. String
kwhYear This is a flag to indicate the estimated annual kilowatt-hours of energy consumption by the hardware. Float
lastLoggedonUser Represents the user who last logged into the device. String
lastUpdateSuccess The time at which a scan was last successfully associated with this Host. DateTime
lifecycle The device_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of devices in your inventory. It includes details about the general availability, obsolete status, and introduction of devices. lifecycle (DeviceLifecycle*)
lifecycleId Identifier for the device lifecycle. String
location Identifier for the location of the device. String
manufacturer The device_manufacturer dataset contains information about various device manufacturers. manufacturer (DeviceManufacturer*)
manufacturerId Identifier for the device manufacturer. String
manufacturerName Name of the device manufacturer, providing human-readable identification. String
maxClockSpeed Represents the maximum clock speed of the device's processor. Int
model The device_model dataset contains information about different device models and their specifications. model (DeviceModel*)
modelId Identifier for the device model. String
modelName Name of the device model, providing human-readable identification. String
name The name of the device, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
networkAdapters The device_network_adapter dataset contains information about network adapters associated with devices in your inventory. It includes details such as the device's IP addresses and MAC addresses. networkAdapters (DeviceNetworkAdapter*)
numberOfCores Represents the total number of physical cores in the device. Int
numberOfDisplayAdapters Represents the number of display adapters in the device. Int
numberOfHdd Represents the number of hard disk drives (HDDs) in the device. Int
numberOfLogicalCores Represents the total number of logical cores in the device, which is the number of virtual cores that can be used by the operating system. Int
numberOfProcessors Represents the number of processors in the device. Int
operatingSystem The device_operating_system dataset contains information about the operating systems used by various devices in your inventory. operatingSystem (DeviceOperatingSystem*)
osProductId Identifier for the device operating system product. String
osReleaseId Identifier for the device operating system release. String
platformId Identifier for the device platform. String
platformLabel Represents the label or name of the device's platform. String
platformType Represents the type of the device's platform, such as operating system or firmware. String
processorName Represents the name of the device's processor. String
processors The device_processor dataset contains information about the processors used in various devices. It includes details such as the clock speed and core count. processors (DeviceProcessor*)
product The device_product dataset contains information about various devices and their product categories. product (DeviceProduct*)
productId Identifier for the device product. String
productName Name of the device product, providing human-readable identification. String
scope1KgCo2E This flag represents the direct greenhouse gas emissions from the hardware operation, like energy use during its functioning. Float
scope2KgCo2E This flag represents the indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity used by the hardware during its operation. Float
scope3KgCo2E This flag represents all other indirect greenhouse gas emissions throughout the hardware lifecycle, including material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life management. Float
serialNumber Unique identifier for the device, allowing tracking and management of individual devices. String
servicePack Represents the service pack or version of the device's software. String
sources The device_source dataset contains information about the data sources that provide device information from your inventory. sources (DeviceSource*)
taxonomy The device_taxonomy dataset categorizes and groups devices based on their unique characteristics. taxonomy (DeviceTaxonomy*)
taxonomyId Identifier for the device taxonomy. String
tcpKeepalive Number of seconds to keep network connection alive. Int
timeZone Name of the timezone. String
totalKgCo2EYear Estimates the total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the hardware operation, measured in kilograms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Float
totalMemory Represents the total memory capacity of the device. Int
upTime The uptime of the device in seconds. Int
updatedAt The date and time when the device was last updated or modified. DateTime
vmHostId Internal identifier for the host device of virtual machine. String
vmType Type of virtual machine device whether it is a VM host or a VM guest device. String
vmUuid Identifier for the virtual machine. String



The software_edition dataset contains information about different editions of software products in your inventory.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software edition. Int
id Unique identifier for the software edition. String
isDesupported A boolean flag indicating whether the software edition is no longer supported by the vendor. Boolean
isDiscontinued A boolean flag indicating whether the software edition has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase or use. Boolean
name Name of the software edition, providing a human-readable label for identification. String
order Represents the order in which the software editions were released, allowing tracking of progression and development. Int



The software_file_evidence dataset contains metadata about software files identified on a device.

Field Description Type
arlId Identifier for the associated release log entry, allowing tracking of software releases and their associated logs. String
dataSourceCaption Caption of the data source associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software from different data sources. String
dataSourceId Identifier for the data source associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software from different data sources. String
dataSourceType Type of the data source associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software from different data source types. String
deviceId Identifier for the device associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software on different devices. String
editionId Identifier for the edition of the software associated with the file evidence, allowing tracking of software across different editions. String
fileName Name of the software file, allowing easy identification and reference. String
filePath Path of the software file, allowing easy identification and reference. String
fileSize Size of the software file, allowing tracking of file size and capacity. Int
fileVersion Version of the software file, allowing tracking of file versions and updates. String
id Identifier for the software file evidence. String
machineId Identifier for the machine associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software on different machines. String
productId Identifier for the product associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software on different products. String
productManufacturer Manufacturer of the product associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software from different manufacturers. String
productName Name of the product associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software on different products. String
productVersion Version of the product associated with the software file evidence, allowing tracking of software on different product versions. String
releaseId Identifier for the release of the software associated with the file evidence, allowing tracking of software across different releases. String
resourceId Unique identifier for the software file evidence. This can be used to track and reference specific software files. String
softwareId Identifier for the software product, allowing easy categorization and filtering. String
versionId Identifier for the version of the software associated with the file evidence, allowing tracking of software across different versions. String



The software_installer_evidence dataset contains metadata about software installations identified on a device.

Field Description Type
arlId Identifier for theurge_id of the software being installed. String
dataSourceCaption Describes the caption of the data source associated with the software being installed. String
dataSourceId Identifier for the data source associated with the software being installed. String
dataSourceType Represents the type of data source associated with the software being installed. String
deviceId Identifier for the device where the software is being installed. String
editionId Identifier for the edition of the software being installed. String
id Identifier for the software installer evidence record. String
installDate The date when the software was installed. DateTime
installId Identifier for the installation associated with the software being installed. String
installationPath The path to the file or directory that this Installation Evidence is reported to relate to. String
machineId Identifier for the machine where the software was installed. String
manufacturer Identifies the manufacturer of the software being installed. String
packageArchitecture CPU Type package runs under. String
packageEpoch Number that acts like a super version. String
packageRevision Revision of the package. String
productId Identifier for the product to which the software belongs. String
releaseId Identifier for the release of the software being installed. String
resourceId Identifier for the resource associated with the software being installed. String
softwareId Unique identifier for the software being installed. String
source Represents the source of the software being installed. String
title Represents the title of the software being installed. String
version Represents the version of the software being installed. String
versionId Identifier for the version of the software being installed. String



The software_lifecycle dataset contains information about the lifecycle of software products. It includes details about end-of-life dates, support levels, and availability.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software lifecycle. Int
daysUntilEolDate Represents the number of days until the end of life date for the software. Int
daysUntilGeneralAvailabilityDate Represents the number of days until the general availability date for the software. Int
daysUntilObsoleteDate Represents the number of days until the obsolete date for the software. Int
effectiveEndOfLifeDate Represents the end of life date for the software. DateTime
effectiveGeneralAvailabilityDate Represents the general availability date for the software. DateTime
effectiveObsoleteDate Represents the obsolete date for the software. DateTime
endOfLife The date when the software product will no longer be supported or maintained. String
endOfLifeCalculatedCase A calculated case for the software product, indicating the end of life status. String
endOfLifeDate The date when the software product will officially reach the end of its lifecycle. DateTime
endOfLifeDateCalculated The calculated date when the software product will reach the end of its lifecycle. DateTime
endOfLifeException Any exceptions or special circumstances regarding the end of life of the software product. String
endOfLifeRangeEnd The end date of the range of dates when the software product will be considered obsolete. String
endOfLifeRangeStart The start date of the range of dates when the software product will be considered obsolete. String
endOfLifeSupportLevel The level of support provided for the software product after the end of its lifecycle. String
generalAvailability The general availability of the software product. String
generalAvailabilityDate The date when the software product will become generally available. DateTime
generalAvailabilityDateCalculated The calculated date when the software product will become generally available. DateTime
generalAvailabilityException Any exceptions or special circumstances regarding the general availability of the software product. String
generalAvailabilityRangeEnd The end date of the range of dates when the software product will be considered obsolete. String
generalAvailabilityRangeStart The start date of the range of dates when the software product will be considered obsolete. String
id Unique identifier for each software lifecycle record. String
isEndOfLifeDateExpired A boolean indicating if the end of life date has expired. Boolean
isGeneralAvailabilityDateExpired A boolean indicating if the general availability date has expired. Boolean
isObsoleteDateExpired A boolean indicating if the obsolete date has expired. Boolean
obsolete Indicates whether the software product is currently considered obsolete. String
obsoleteCalculatedCase A calculated case for the software product, indicating the obsolete status. String
obsoleteDate The date when the software product was officially declared obsolete. DateTime
obsoleteDateCalculated The calculated date when the software product was officially declared obsolete. DateTime
obsoleteException Any exceptions or special circumstances regarding the obsolete status of the software product. String
obsoleteRangeEnd Represents the end date of the obsolete range for the software. String
obsoleteRangeStart Represents the start date of the obsolete range for the software. String
obsoleteSupportLevel Describes the support level for the obsolete software. String
supportStages The software_lifecycle_support_stages dataset contains information about the various stages of a software lifecycle, including their definitions, end dates, and associated policies. supportStages (SoftwareLifecycleSupportStages*)



The software_lifecycle_support_stages dataset contains information about the various stages of a software lifecycle, including their definitions, end dates, and associated policies.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platfrom Legacy ID for software lifecycle support stages. Int
definition Describes the software lifecycle stage, providing context for the stage. String
endDate The date when the software lifecycle stage ends. DateTime
id Unique identifier for each software lifecycle stage. String
manufacturerId Identifier for the manufacturer of the software, allowing tracking of different manufacturers. String
name The name of the software lifecycle stage, providing a human-readable label for the stage. String
order Represents the order in which the software lifecycle stages occur. Int
policy Describes the policy for the software lifecycle stage, providing guidelines for the stage. String
policyLabel A label for the policy, allowing easy identification of the policy. String
publishedEndDate The date when the software lifecycle stage was published, allowing tracking of when the stage was made available. String
softwareLifecycleId Identifier for the software lifecycle, allowing tracking of different software lifecycles. String
stageLabel A label for the software lifecycle stage, providing a human-readable label for the stage. String



The software_manufacturer dataset contains information about various software manufacturers.

Field Description Type
acquiredDate Date when the software manufacturer was acquired. String
city City where the software manufacturer is located. String
country Country where the software manufacturer is located. String
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software manufacturer. Int
description Brief description of the software manufacturer. String
email Contact email address for the software manufacturer. String
employees Number of employees working at the software manufacturer. String
employeesDate Date when the employees count was last updated. DateTime
fax Fax number for the software manufacturer. String
fiscalEndDate Date when the software manufacturer's fiscal year ends. DateTime
id Unique identifier for the software manufacturer. String
industryTagTitle Title of the industry tag associated with the software manufacturer. String
isPubliclyTraded Indicates if the software manufacturer is publicly traded. Boolean
knownAs Common name or nickname of the software manufacturer. String
legal Legal name of the software manufacturer. String
name Official name of the software manufacturer. String
ownerId Unique identifier for the owner of the software manufacturer. String
phone Phone number for the software manufacturer. String
profitsDate Date when the software manufacturer's profits were last reported. DateTime
profitsPerYear Annual profits of the software manufacturer. Int
revenue Annual revenue of the software manufacturer. Int
revenueDate Represents the date of revenue for the software manufacturer. DateTime
shortName A shortened version of the manufacturer's name for easy reference. String
state The state where the software manufacturer is located. String
street The street address of the software manufacturer. String
symbol The stock symbol of the software manufacturer, used for tracking stock prices. String
tier Represents the tier or level of the software manufacturer in the industry. Int
website The website address of the software manufacturer. String
zip The zip code of the software manufacturer's location. String



The software_product dataset contains information about software products in the inventory.

Field Description Type
alias A short, human-readable name for the software product, making it easier to identify. String
cloudServiceCategory The cloud service category of the software product. String
component Represents the component or module of the software product, offering more granular information. String
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software product. Int
deployment Describes the deployment method of the software product, such as on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid. String
familyName The name of the software product family, if applicable. String
id Unique identifier for the software product. String
isDesupported A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is no longer supported by the vendor. Boolean
isDiscontinued A boolean flag indicating whether the software product has been discontinued by the vendor. Boolean
isFamilyInFullName A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is part of a larger family, allowing for easy identification of related products. Boolean
isLicensable A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is licensable, allowing users to purchase licenses for its use. Boolean
isSuite A boolean flag indicating whether the software product is a suite of related products, offering a more comprehensive solution. Boolean
name The full name of the software product, providing a complete and official label. String
shortName A concise version of the software product name, useful for quick identification. String
softwareProductDescription A detailed description of the software product. String
vendorCategory Represents the category of the software product's vendor, allowing for easy categorization and filtering of products. String



The software_release dataset contains information about various software releases, including details about deployment, licensing, and discontinuation statuses.

Field Description Type
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software release. Int
deployment Represents the deployment status of the software release. String
id Unique identifier for each software release. String
isDesupported A boolean flag indicating whether the software release is desupported. Boolean
isDiscontinued A boolean flag indicating whether the software release is discontinued. Boolean
isLicensable A boolean flag indicating whether the software release is licensable. Boolean
isMajor A boolean flag indicating whether the software release is a major version. Boolean
name The full name of the software release. String
patchLevel Represents the patch level of the software release. String
sbomUrl Unique identifier for SBOM URL. String
shortName A shorter version of the software release name. String



The software_taxonomy dataset provides a categorization of software products in the inventory.

Field Description Type
category Represents the top-level category of software, such as "Operating Systems" or "Productivity Software". String
categoryGroup Further categorizes the software into groups, such as "Windows" or "MacOS". String
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software taxonomy. Int
description Provides a detailed description of the software category, group, or subcategory. String
id Unique identifier for each software taxonomy record. String
subcategory Represents the most specific level of categorization, such as "Microsoft Office" or "Google Workspace". String



The software_version dataset contains information about various software versions, including their market names and patch levels.

Field Description Type
currentMajorVersionId Unique identifier for Current Major Version. String
currentMajorVersionName Current Major Version Name. String
currentMinorVersionId Unique identifier for Current Minor Version. String
currentMinorVersionName Current Minor Version Name. String
dataPlatformId Data platform Legacy ID for software version. Int
id Unique identifier for the software version. String
isDesupported Indicates if the software version is no longer supported. Boolean
isDiscontinued Indicates if the software version is no longer available. Boolean
isMajor Indicates if the software version is a major release. Boolean
latestOrder Latest order number of the software. Int
latestRelease Latest release name of the software. String
latestVersion Latest version of the software. String
marketName Market name of the software version. String
marketOrder Market order number of the software version. Int
name Name of the software version. String
order Order number of the software version. Int
patchLevel Patch level of the software version. String
stage Stage of the software development cycle. String
versionBehindCurrentMajorversion Version behind Current Major version. Int
versionBehindCurrentMinorversion Version behind Current Minor version. Int
versionsBehind Number of versions behind the latest version. Int



The vulnerability_threat_rule dataset contains information about threat rules and associated CVE details.

Field Description Type
codeName The reference of a threat Rule String
criticality Numeric score for the vulnerability criticality ranges from 1 - 5. Int
criticalityLabel Translation of the numeric score in criticality, where: 1: Extremely Critical,2: Highly Critical,3: Moderately Critical,4: Less Critical,5: Not Critical. String
description Detail of Threat Rule String
exploitedInTheWild Threat reason from SVM feed to consider for exploited in the wild. String
threatRule The threat rules for CVE Int



The virtual_machine_host dataset contains information about virtual machine host.

Field Description Type
device The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details. device
id The unique identifier for host table. String
virtualMachines The device dataset contains information about devices in your inventory, including their unique identifier, model, manufacturer, and lifecycle details. virtualMachines (Device*)
vmHostId Internal identifier for the host device of virtual machine. String
vmHostName The name of the vm host device, providing a human-readable label for identification. String



The vulnerability dataset contains information about vulnerabilities, CVE and associated details.

Field Description Type
advisories The vulnerability_advisory dataset contains information about vulnerabilities associated with secunia advisory and associated details. advisories (Advisory*)
attackVector Translation of the numeric indicator in attack vector, where: 1: From remote, 2: From local network,3: Local system. String
attackVectorLevel Represents the risk level of Attack vector Int
cpes The vulnerability_cpe dataset contains information about CPE and associated information cpes (Cpe*)
createdAt Timestamp for the creation of the vulnerability. DateTime
criticality Numeric score for the vulnerability criticality ranges from 1 - 5. Int
criticalityLabel Translation of the numeric score in criticality, where: 1: Extremely Critical,2: Highly Critical,3: Moderately Critical,4: Less Critical,5: Not Critical. String
cve The vulnerability_cve dataset contains information about CVE, Risk Monitoring and associated information. cve
cveId Identifier for the cve the vulnerability is associated with. String
cvePublishDate Publish date of CVE DateTime
cvssScore Rating value according to Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). Float
threatExploitRiskLabel Represents the risk level of exploited threat. String
threatExploitRiskLevel Numeric score for the threat score ranges from 1 - 7 Int
updatedAt Timestamp for the last update of the vulnerability. DateTime
