SaaS Data Payloads for Consumption Usage
Utilize the following SaaS Data payload in order to load data into Consumption Usage.
- Application Consumption - Use this task to load an data into a Consumption Usage.
Supported Task - Application Consumption
The application consumption lists the usage data for an instance of an application.
Task Name
Task Name | Version |
ApplicationConsumption | 1 |
Load Types Supported
incremental - only incremental load is supported.
JSON Description
JSON Field Name | Display Name | Required | Description | Type | Example |
eventId | Id | Y | A producer generated identifier. In this case, the FIT Template adds a UUID Type 4 to each entry. | UUID Type 4 | 970b6a32-e56b-458e-b62c-45dea9bd68d1 |
sourceInstanceId | Source Instance Id | N | An identifier for an Instance, Organization, or Account | String | "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" |
sourceIdentifier | Source Identifier | N | A unique vendor-based identifier for this piece of usage if available | String | "c2c7bcc6-9560-44e0-8dff-5be221cd37ee" |
sourceType | Source Type | N (but recommended) | If available, the type of usage as indicated by the source. If the sourceIdentifier is set, it is highly recommended to set sourceType | String | "in_person_signing" |
occurredAt | Occurred At | Y | The datetime the integration ran the task OR the datetime given by the source that the value was updated | ISO-8601 / UTC | 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z |
usageGroup | Usage Group | Y | A user-defined value to allow for the grouping of usage. For example, the summation of all Microsoft OneDrive usage across all application users. | String | "in_person_signing" or "contacts" or "emails" etc |
isUnlimitedUsage | Is Unlimited Usage | N | True if usage can be unlimited. False if usage is capped. Missing if unknown, if this is set to False then the value for total should be set. | Boolean | false |
used | Used | Y | The number of items that have been used. | Float | 1.00 |
total | Total | N | If given, add the total included, purchased, etc. units here. If isUnlimitedUsage is set, it is strongly recommended this is set as well. | Float | 100.00 |
available | Available | N | If given, add the available units here. Do not calculate the available units within the FIT template as we cannot guarantee accurate availability via calculation. | Float | 99.00 |
unit | Unit | Y | The unit of measure. | String | "in_person_signing" or "contacts" or "megabytes" etc |
Task Example
Note: Newlines were added for readability. Each entry should reside on its own line and below example does not use all of the fields available. See above.
"eventId" : "970b6a32-e56b-458e-b62c-45dea9bd68d1",
"occurredAt": "2020-04-13T14:57:09.297Z",
"sourceType": "in_person_signing",
"usageGroup": "in person signings",
"used": 498,
"total": 1000,
"isUnlimitedUsage" : false,
"unit": "in person signings",
"unitRatio" : 1