SaaS Data Payloads for Consumption Usage

Utilize the following SaaS Data payload in order to load data into Consumption Usage.

  • Application Consumption - Use this task to load an data into a Consumption Usage.

Supported Task - Application Consumption

The application consumption lists the usage data for an instance of an application.

Task Name

Task Name Version
ApplicationConsumption 1

Load Types Supported

incremental - only incremental load is supported.

JSON Description

JSON Field Name Display Name Required Description Type Example
eventId Id Y A producer generated identifier. In this case, the FIT Template adds a UUID Type 4 to each entry. UUID Type 4 970b6a32-e56b-458e-b62c-45dea9bd68d1
sourceInstanceId Source Instance Id N An identifier for an Instance, Organization, or Account String "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
sourceIdentifier Source Identifier N A unique vendor-based identifier for this piece of usage if available String "c2c7bcc6-9560-44e0-8dff-5be221cd37ee"
sourceType Source Type N (but recommended) If available, the type of usage as indicated by the source. If the sourceIdentifier is set, it is highly recommended to set sourceType String "in_person_signing"
occurredAt Occurred At Y The datetime the integration ran the task OR the datetime given by the source that the value was updated ISO-8601 / UTC 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z
usageGroup Usage Group Y A user-defined value to allow for the grouping of usage. For example, the summation of all Microsoft OneDrive usage across all application users. String "in_person_signing" or "contacts" or "emails" etc
isUnlimitedUsage Is Unlimited Usage N True if usage can be unlimited. False if usage is capped. Missing if unknown, if this is set to False then the value for total should be set. Boolean false
used Used Y The number of items that have been used. Float 1.00
total Total N If given, add the total included, purchased, etc. units here. If isUnlimitedUsage is set, it is strongly recommended this is set as well. Float 100.00
available Available N If given, add the available units here. Do not calculate the available units within the FIT template as we cannot guarantee accurate availability via calculation. Float 99.00
unit Unit Y The unit of measure. String "in_person_signing" or "contacts" or "megabytes" etc

Task Example

Note: Newlines were added for readability. Each entry should reside on its own line and below example does not use all of the fields available. See above.

    "eventId" : "970b6a32-e56b-458e-b62c-45dea9bd68d1",
    "occurredAt": "2020-04-13T14:57:09.297Z",
    "sourceType": "in_person_signing",
    "usageGroup": "in person signings",
    "used": 498,
    "total": 1000,
    "isUnlimitedUsage" : false,
    "unit": "in person signings",
    "unitRatio" : 1