
Name Content Pack
catalogType Base
componentCatalog Base
coreCatalog Base
edition Base
family Base
groupCatalog Base
groupRelation Base
groupType Base
hardwareCoreCatalog Base
hardwareFamily Base
hardwareLifeCycle Lifecycle and Support
hardwareModel Base
hardwareProduct Base
hardwareTaxonomy Base
manufacturer Base
patchCatalog Base
platform Base
product Base
productLink Base
relationship Base
release Base
releaseLink Base
releasePlatform Base
softwareLifeCycle Lifecycle and Support
softwareTaxonomy Base
taxonomy Base
version Base
versionGroup Base

Dataset Details


A list of CatalogTypes

Field Description Type Pack/Term
catalogTypeName CatalogTypeName String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
id The unique identifier for catalog type String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String



A list of ComponentCatalogs

Field Description Type Pack/Term
category Category String
classification Classification String
component The component of the software product, if applicable String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
edition The software product edition name, if applicable String
editionId The unique identifier for software edition String
familyId The unique identifier for software family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
id The unique identifier for component catalog String
manufacturer The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productName The name of the software product String
releaseId The unique identifier for software release String
releaseName ReleaseName String
releasePlatformIds ReleasePlatformId String
title Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be delete String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
version The software version name or number String
versionGroup The name of the version group (or market version) of the software group String
versionGroupId The unique identifier for software version group String
versionId The unique identifier for software version String
editionData The Edition of the ComponentCatalog edition
familyData The Family of the ComponentCatalog family
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the ComponentCatalog manufacturer
productData The Product of the ComponentCatalog product
releaseData The Release of the ComponentCatalog release
softwareLifeCycleData The SoftwareLifeCycle of the ComponentCatalog softwareLifeCycle
versionData The Version of the ComponentCatalog version



A list of CoreCatalogs

Field Description Type Pack/Term
category Category String
classification Classification String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
editionId The unique identifier for edition String
editionName The software product edition name, if applicable String
familyId The unique identifier for family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
id The unique identifier for core catalog String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerName The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productName The name of the software product String
releaseId The unique identifier for software release String
releaseName ReleaseName String
releasePlatformIds ReleasePlatformId String
title Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
versionGroup The name of the version group (or market version) of the software group String
versionGroupId The unique identifier for software version group String
versionId The unique identifier for software version String
versionName The software version name or number String
editionData The Edition of the CoreCatalog edition
familyData The Family of the CoreCatalog family
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the CoreCatalog manufacturer
productData The Product of the CoreCatalog product
releaseData The Release of the CoreCatalog release
softwareLifeCycleData The SoftwareLifeCycle of the CoreCatalog softwareLifeCycle
versionData The Version of the CoreCatalog version
versionGroupData The VersionGroup of the CoreCatalog versionGroup



A list of Editions

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
editionName The software product edition name, if applicable String
editionOrder A number that indicates the order of importance/priority of this particular edition among all editions of the product Int
editionTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software edition Int legacyId
id The unique identifier for software edition String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in Tp Int legacyId
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
componentCatalogData The ComponentCatalog of the Edition componentCatalog
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog of the Edition coreCatalog
productData The Product of the Edition product
releaseData The Release of the Edition release
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the Edition taxonomy



A list of Families

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
id The unique identifier for software family String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog of the Family coreCatalog
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the Family manufacturer
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the Family taxonomy



A list of GroupCatalogs

Field Description Type Pack/Term
category Category String
classification Classification String
component The component of the software product, if applicable String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
editionId The unique identifier for software edition String
editionName The software product edition name, if applicable String
familyId The unique identifier for software family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
groupTypeId The unique identifier for group type String
id The unique identifier for group catalog String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerName The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productName The name of the software product String
releaseId The unique identifier for software release String
releaseName ReleaseName String
releasePlatformIds ReleasePlatformIds String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
versionGroup The name of the version group (or market version) of the software group String
versionGroupId The unique identifier for software version group String
versionId The unique identifier for software version String
versionName The software version name or number String
editionData The Edition of the GroupCatalog edition
familyData The Family of the GroupCatalog family
groupRelationData The GroupRelation of the GroupCatalog groupRelation
groupTypeData The GroupType of the GroupCatalog groupType
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the GroupCatalog manufacturer
productData The Product of the GroupCatalog product
releaseData The Release of the GroupCatalog release
versionData The Version of the GroupCatalog version
versionGroupData The VersionGroup of the GroupCatalog versionGroup



A list of GroupRelations

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
groupCatalogId The unique identifier for group catalog String
id The unique identifier for group relation String
relationshipId The unique identifier for relationship String
sourceId SourceId String
sourceType SourceType String
targetId TargetId String
targetType TargetType String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
groupCatalogData The GroupCatalog of the GroupRelation groupCatalog
relationshipData The RelationShip of the GroupRelation relationship



A list of GroupTypes

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
groupTypeName GroupType String
id The unique identifier for group type String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
groupCatalogData The GroupCatalog of the GroupType groupCatalog



A list of HardwareCoreCatalog

Field Description Type Pack/Term
categoryGroup The optional attribute you can use to further simplify or re-organize the current, 2-level BDNA taxonomy into an additional, higher level. It groups the Taxonomy parent ID into several discrete buckets String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
familyId The unique identifier for software family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
hardware Hardware String
id The unique identifier for hardware core catalog String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerName The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacyId
model The model name/number of the hardware product String
modelId The unique identifier for the hardware model String
modelTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware model Int legacyId
productId The unique identifier of the hardware product String
productName The name the hardware product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
supportedOs The list of supported operating systems that can be run on the device. String
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyName Second level category in Technopedia taxonomy String
taxonomyParentId The unique identifier for the Taxonomy Parent Name String
taxonomyParentName The taxonomy Parent Name String
taxonomyParentTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the Taxonomy Parent Name Int legacyId
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
tier The categorization of manufacturers based on priority/importance Int
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
hardwareFamilyData The HardwareFamily of the HardwareCoreCatalog hardwareFamily
hardwareLifeCycleData The Hardware LifeCycle of the HardwareCoreCatalog hardwareLifeCycle
hardwareModelData The Hardware Model of the HardwareCoreCatalog hardwareModel
hardwareProductData The Hardware Product of the HardwareCoreCatalog hardwareProduct
hardwareTaxonomyData The Hardware Taxonomy of the HardwareCoreCatalog hardwareTaxonomy
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the HardwareCoreCatalog manufacturer



A list of HardwareFamilies

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
familyId The unique identifier for hardware family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the hardware belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of hardware offerings; if applicable String
id The unique identifier for hardware family String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
vendorCategory The vendor that provides the product String
hardwareCoreCatalogData The HardwareCoreCatalog of the HardwareFamily hardwareCoreCatalog



A list of HardwareLifeCycles

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
gaException The reason why the general availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Values include: •Date not published by vendor •Support policy not defined by vendor •Exact date unknown (a date range is provided) •Contract-based support only (no specific date) •Open-source support only (no specific date) •Limited, self-help support only (no specific date) •Date in the past (exact date unknown) •To be determined •Other String
gaRangeEnd The end date of the estimated GA time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
gaRangeStart The start date of the estimated GA time range. This is required when the exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided.' String
generalAvailability The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor String
generalAvailabilityDate The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions; in standardized date format String
hardwareCoreCatalogId The unique identifier for hardware CoreCatalog String
hardwareLifeCycleTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware lifecycle Int legacyId
id The unique identifier for hardware lifeCycle String
introduction The date the hardware was introduced/ announced, and captured the way it was published by the vendor String
introductionDate The date the hardware was introduced/ announced, in standardized date format String
introductionException The reason why the introduction date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently provided. Similar values as the ‘Introduction Exception’ above. String
introductionRangeEnd The end date of the estimated introduction time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided.' String
introductionRangeStart The start date of the estimated introduction time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided.' String
lastAvailability The last date in which the hardware is available for purchase from the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor String
lastAvailabilityDate The last date in which the hardware is available for purchase from the vendor, in standardized date format String
lastAvailabilityException The reason why the last availability date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above String
lastAvailabilityRangeEnd The end date of the estimated Last Availability time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided.' String
lastAvailabilityRangeStart The start date of the estimated Last Availability time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided.' String
modelId ModelId String
modelTpId ModelTpId Int legacyId
obsolete The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support String
obsoleteDate The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, in standardized date format. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support String
obsoleteException A reason why the obsolete date is not available or a caveat on the date value that is currently being provided. Similar values as the ‘GA Exception’ above String
obsoleteRangeEnd The end date of the estimated obsolete time range. This is required when the exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided.' String
obsoleteRangeStart The start date of the estimated obsolete time range. This is required when the exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in Tp Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
hardwareCoreCatalogData The HardwareCoreCatalog of the HardwareLifeCycle hardwareCoreCatalog
hardwareModelData The HardwareModel of the HardwareLifeCycle hardwareModel



A list of HardwareModels

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
familyId The unique identifier for software family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
id The unique identifier for hardware model String
isCloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacyId
model The model name/number of the hardware product String
modelTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware model Int legacyId
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
supportedOs The list of supported operating systems that can be run on the device. String
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
hardwareCoreCatalogData The HardwareCoreCatalog of the HardwareModel hardwareCoreCatalog
hardwareLifeCycleData The HardwareLifeCycle of the HardwareModel hardwareLifeCycle
hardwareProductData The HardwareProduct of the HardwareModel hardwareProduct
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the HardwareModel manufacturer
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the HardwareModel taxonomy



A list of HardwareProducts

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
familyId The unique identifier for software family String
familyName The brand, product line, or family the software belongs to in the manufacturer's portfolio of software offerings; if applicable String
id The unique identifier for hardware product String
isCloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacyId
productName The name the hardware product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
vendorCategory The vendor that provides the product String
hardwareCoreCatalogData The HardwareCoreCatalog of the HardwareProduct hardwareCoreCatalog
hardwareModelData The HardwareModel of the HardwareProduct hardwareModel
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the HardwareProduct manufacturer
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the HardwareProduct taxonomy



A list of HardwareTaxonomies

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for hardware taxonomy String
productId The unique identifier for hardware product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for hardware product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
taxonomyDefault TaxonomyDefault Int
taxonomyHardwareTpId TaxonomyHardwareTpId Int legacyId
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
taxonomyVersion TaxonomyVersion Int
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
hardwareProductData The HardwareProduct of the HardwareTaxonomy hardwareProduct
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the HardwareTaxonomy taxonomy



A list of Manufacturers

Field Description Type Pack/Term
acquiredDate The date the manufacturer was acquired, if applicable. String
city The city where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of its headquarters). String
country The country where the manufacturer is based (typically, the location of its headquarters). String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description A brief description of the manufacturer String
email The manufacturer’s email address String
employees The number of employees a manufacturer has String
employeesDate The date the number of employees was collected String
fax The manufacturer’s fax number String
fiscalEndDate The date that marks the end of the manufacturer/vendor fiscal year String
id The unique identifier for manufacturer String
industryTagId The unique identifier for an industry tag String
industryTagTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for an Industry Tag Int legacyId
knownAs Another name the manufacturer is known by (i.e., an abbreviation, expanded name, informal name, etc.). String
legal The legal entity of a company (i.e., Corporation,Limited, etc.) String
manufacturerName The name of entity which builds, manufactures and/or supports or provides maintenance of the hardware; or develops, publishes and/or supports the software. Captured as the well-known name of the entity in the market (which may or may not the same as the legal name) String
manufacturerOwnerId The manufacturer owner’s unique identifier String
manufacturerOwnerTpId ManufacturerOwnerTpId Int legacyId
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for manufacturer Int legacyId
phone The manufacturer’s telephone number String
profitsDate The date in which the profit numbers were collected String
profitsPerYear The manufacturer’s annual profits (in millions of USD). Int
publiclyTraded This indicates whether a manufacturer/vendor is publicly traded (i.e. ‘Y’ or ‘N’) String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
revenue Latest annual revenue (in millions of USD) Int
revenueDate The date in which the revenue number was collected String
state The state or province in which the manufacturer/vendor headquarters is located String
street The street address of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters String
symbol A company’s stock/ticker symbol (if publicly traded) String
tier The categorization of manufacturers based on priority/importance Int
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
website The manufacturer’s official website String
zip The Zip/postal code of the manufacturer/vendor headquarters String
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog of the Manufacturer coreCatalog
hardwareCoreCatalogData The hardwareCoreCatalog of the Manufacturer hardwareCoreCatalog
hardwareModelData The HardwareModel of the Manufacturer hardwareModel
hardwareProductData The HardwareProduct of the Manufacturer hardwareProduct
productData The Product of the Manufacturer product
releaseData The release of the Manufacturer release



A list of PatchCatalogs

Field Description Type Pack/Term
category The name of the referenced-category as it is depicted on the website String
classification Classification String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate). String
edition The software product edition name, if applicable String
editionId The unique identifier for software edition String
familyId The unique identifier for family name String
familyName The brand or family to which the software product belongs, if applicable String
id The unique identifier for Patch Catalog String
manufacturer The manufacturer name (as obtained from the official website). String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for Manufacturer String
parentCatalogId The unique identifier for Parent Catalog String
parentCatalogType Parent Catalog Type String
patchLevel The name of patch level for the software release String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productName The complete name of the product as presented by the vendor in the software license as well as other official documentations and/or website String
releaseId The unique identifier for Release String
releaseName Release Name String
releasePlatformIds The unique identifier for Release Platform String
title The title or name of the software operating system or hardware product for which the CPE URI is assigned String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
version The name/number of the software patch String
versionGroup The name of the version group (or market version) of the software product. String
versionGroupId The unique identifier for Version Group String
versionId The unique identifier for Version String
editionData The Edition of the PatchCatalog edition
familyData The Family of the PatchCatalog family
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the PatchCatalog manufacturer
productData The Product of the PatchCatalog product
releaseData The Release of the PatchCatalog release
softwareLifeCycleData The SoftwareLifeCycle of the PatchCatalog softwareLifeCycle
versionData The Version of the PatchCatalog version



A list of Platforms

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id The unique identifier for platform String
platformName The platform name (i.e., MacOS, Mainframe,Solaris, Linux, etc.) String
platformTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for platform Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier for the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
releasePlatformData The ReleasePlatform of the Platform releasePlatform



A list of Products

Field Description Type Pack/Term
alias Another name by which the software product was previously known. String
component The component of the software product, if applicable. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
familyId The unique identifier for family name String
familyName The brand or family to which the software product belongs, if applicable String
id The unique identifier for software product String
isCloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
isSuite The isSuite. Boolean
manufacturerId The unique identifier for Manufacturer String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for Manufacturer Int legacyId
nFamily The nFamily. Boolean
plicsable The plicsable. Int
productName The complete name of the product as presented by the vendor in the software license as well as other official documentations and/or website String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
taxonomyId The unique identifier for taxonomy String
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
vendorCategory The vendor that provides the product String
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog of the Product coreCatalog
editionData The Edition of the Product edition
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the Product manufacturer
productLinkData The ProductLink of the Product productLink
releaseData The Release of the Product release
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the Product taxonomy
versionData The Version of the Product version



A list of ProductLinks

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
formerProductId The product ID of the immediately prior or previous iteration of the product. String
formerProductTpId The product ID of the immediately prior or previous iteration of the product in TP Int legacyId
id The unique identifier for the type of software product link/association. String
isCloud The flag that identifies whether the product is “Cloud-Only,” “On-Premise-Only,” or “Cloud and On-Premise.” String
laterProductId The unique identifier for the product ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the product. String
laterProductTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the product ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the product. Int legacyId
latestProductId The unique identifier for the product ID of the most recent iteration of the product. String
latestProductTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the product ID of the most recent iteration of the product. Int legacyId
oldestProductId The unique identifier for the oldest iteration of the product. String
oldestProductTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the oldest iteration of the product. Int legacyId
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productLinkTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the type of software product link/association. Int legacyId
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
softwareCloudId The unique identifier of an equivalent cloud product for this on-premise product. String
softwareCloudTpId The unique identifier of an equivalent cloud product for this on-premise product in TP Int legacyId
softwarePremiseId The unique identifier of an equivalent on-premise product for this cloud product. String
softwarePremiseTpId The unique identifier of an equivalent on-premise product for this cloud product in TP Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
productData The Product of the ProductLink product



A list of Relationships

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
id The unique identifier for software relationship String
relationshipName Relationship String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
groupRelationData The GroupRelation of the Relationship groupRelation



A list of Releases

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A Flag That Indicates Whether the Entry is Known or Unknown Boolean
editionId The Unique Identifier for Software Edition String
editionTpId The Unique Identifier for Software Edition in TP Int legacyId
id The unique identifier for software releases String
isCloud IsCloud String
isMajor This Indicates Whether or Not This is a Major Release Boolean
licensable A Flag That Indicates Whether The Software Release is Licensable or Not Boolean
majorReleaseId This Indicates the ID for a Major Release String
majorReleaseTpId This Indicates the ID for a Major Release in TP Int legacyId
manufacturerId The unique identifier for manufacturer String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for Manufacturer Int legacyId
patchLevel The Software Patch Update or Service Pack Level if applicable String
productId The Unique Identifier for Software Products String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for Software Products Int legacyId
releaseName ReleaseName String
releaseTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software release Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacyId
title Concatenation of Technopedia Product + (optionally) Technopedia Edition + Technopedia Version Group + Technopedia Version + (optionally) Technopedia Service Pack + (optionally) Technopedia Version Label String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
versionGroupId The Unique Identifier for The Software Version Group String
versionGroupTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for Software Version Group Int legacyId
versionId The Unique Identifier for Software Version String
versionTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for Software Version Int legacyId
componentCatalogData The ComponentCatalog of the Release componentCatalog
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog of the Release coreCatalog
editionData The Edition of the Release edition
manufacturerData The Manufacturer of the Release manufacturer
patchCatalogData The PatchCatalog of the Release patchCatalog
productData The Product of the Release product
releaseLinkData The ReleaseLink of the release releaseLink
releasePlatformData The ReleasePlatform of the release releasePlatform
softwareLifeCycleData The SoftwareLifeCycle of the release softwareLifeCycle
versionData The Version of the Release version
versionGroupData The VersionGroup of the release versionGroup



A list of ReleaseLinks

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
formerReleaseId This is the software release ID of the immediately previous iteration of the release String
formerReleaseTpId This is the software release ID of the immediately previous iteration of the release in TP Int legacyId
id The unique identifier for the specific type of software release link or association String
laterReleaseId This is the software release ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the release String
laterReleaseTpId This is the software release ID of the immediately subsequent iteration of the release in TP Int legacyId
latestReleaseId This is the software release ID of the latest/ newest iteration of the release String
latestReleaseTpId This is the software release ID of the latest/ newest iteration of the release in TP Int legacyId
oldestReleaseId This is the software release ID of the oldest iteration of the release String
oldestReleaseTpId This is the software release ID of the oldest iteration of the release in TP Int legacyId
releaseId The unique identifier for software releases String
releaseLinkTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for specific type of software release link or association Int legacyId
releaseTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software release Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
releaseData The Release of the ReleaseLink release



A list of ReleasePlatforms

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
id The unique identifier for software release-platform String
platformId The unique identifier for platform String
platformLabel The name of the platform supported by the software release. String
platformTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for platform Int legacyId
platformType A flag that indicates whether the software release’s supported platform is a server, a desktop, both a platform and a desktop, or a mainframe. String
releaseId The unique identifier for software release String
releasePlatformTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software release-platform Int legacyId
releaseTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software release Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
platformData The Platform of the ReleasePlatform platform
releaseData The Release of the ReleasePlatform release



A list of SoftwareLifeCycles

Field Description Type Pack/Term
componentCatalogId The unique identifier for component catalog String
coreCatalogId The unique identifier for core catalog String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
endOfLife The last date that full support for the product is provided by the vendor, captured the way that it was originally published by the vendor. Partial support may still be available String
endOfLifeDate The last date when full support for a product is provided by the vendor, and standardized to follow BDNA’s date format. Partial support may still be still available String
endOfLifeException EndOfLifeException String
endOfLifeRangeEnd The end date of the estimated end-of-life time range. This is required when the Exception value is Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
endOfLifeRangeStart The start date of the estimated end-of-life time range. This is required when the Exception value is Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
endOfLifeSupportLevel The name of support level that marks the end-of-life as published by the vendor String
gaException GaException String
gaRangeEnd The end date of the estimated GA time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
gaRangeStart The start date of the estimated GA time range. This is required when the Exception value is 'Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
generalAvailability The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions as published by the vendor String
generalAvailabilityDate The date that the product is generally available through official vendor distributions, standardized to BDNA date format String
id The unique identifier for software lifecycle String
obsolete The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor. The only support available after this date might be self-help online support String
obsoleteDate The last date in which any support is provided by the vendor, standardized to follow BDNA date format. The only support available after this date, if applicable, is self help online support String
obsoleteException ObsoleteException String
obsoleteRangeEnd The end date of the estimated obsolete time range. This is required when the exception value is Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
obsoleteRangeStart The start date of the estimated obsolete time range. This is required when the exception value is Exact date unknown, a date range is provided String
obsoleteSupportLevel The name of the support level once obsolete, as published by the vendor String
patchCatalogId The unique identifier for patch catalog String
releaseId The unique identifier for software releases String
releaseTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software releases Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacyId
softwareLifeCycleTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software lifecycle Int legacyId
supportStages The name of the support stage or level as published by the vendor supportStageData
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
componentCatalogData The ComponentCatalog for the SoftwareLifeCycle componentCatalog
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog for the SoftwareLifeCycle coreCatalog
patchCatalogData The PatchCatalog for the SoftwareLifeCycle patchCatalog
releaseData The Release of the SoftwareLifeCycle release



A list of SoftwareTaxonomies

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
id Technopedia GUID for SoftwareTaxonomy String
productId The unique identifier for software products String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software products Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a Duplicate in TP Int legacyId
taxonomyDefault TaxonomyDefault Int
taxonomyId The unique identifier for BDNA taxonomy String
taxonomySoftwareTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy software Int legacyId
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for BDNA taxonomy Int legacyId
taxonomyVersion TaxonomyVersion Int
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N) Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
productData The Product of the Software Taxonomy product
taxonomyData The Taxonomy of the Software Taxonomy taxonomy



A list of Taxonomies

Field Description Type Pack/Term
categoryGroup The optional attribute you can use to further simplify or re-organize the current, 2-level BDNA taxonomy into an additional, higher level. It groups the Taxonomy parent ID into several discrete buckets. String
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
description A brief description of the taxonomy. String
id The unique identifier for taxonomy String
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
softwareHardware The software or hardware taxonomy. String
taxonomyName Second level category in Technopedia taxonomy String
taxonomyParentId The unique identifier for the Taxonomy Parent Name String
taxonomyParentName The taxonomy Parent Name String
taxonomyParentTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for the Taxonomy Parent Name Int legacyId
taxonomyTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for taxonomy Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made. String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
hardwareModelData The Hardware Model of the Taxonomy hardwareModel
hardwareProductData The Hardware Product of the Taxonomy hardwareProduct
productData The Product of the Taxonomy product



A list of Versions

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
id The unique identifier for software version String
isMajor This Indicates Whether or Not This is a Major Release Boolean
majorVersionId If it is not the Major Version ID, this identifies the Version ID of a particular row’s Major Version. String
majorVersionTpId If it is not the Major Version ID, this identifies the Version ID of a particular row’s Major Version in TP. Int legacyId
patchLevel The software patch name or number, if applicable String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
subVersion This indicates the stage within the lifecycle of a product version from its initial inception to the final/end form and beyond (for example beta or rc1) String
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made. String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
versionGroupId The Unique Identifier for The Software Version Group. String
versionGroupTpId The Unique Identifier for The Software Version Group in TP Int legacyId
versionName The software version name or number String
versionOrder A number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released Int
versionTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software version Int legacyId
coreCatalogData The CoreCatalog of the Version coreCatalog
productData The Product of the Version product
releaseData The Release of the Version release
versionGroupData The VersionGroup of the Version versionGroup



A list of VersionGroups

Field Description Type Pack/Term
createdDate The date when an entry was first created String
createdDateTp The date when an entry was first created in TP String legacyId
deleteReason The reason why the entry is marked for deletion (i.e. values are Duplicate or Inaccurate) String
desupFlag A flag that indicates that the entry has been de-supported by the vendor. The de-support date is in the past (whether the exact date is known or unknown) Boolean
discontinuedFlag A flag that indicates whether the entry is known or unknown Boolean
id The unique identifier for software version group String
productId The unique identifier for software product String
productTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software product Int legacyId
replacementId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' String
replacementTpId The unique identifier of the replacement entry whenever the entry is marked for deletion as a 'Duplicate.' in TP Int legacyId
toBeDeleted This indicates whether or not a record is marked for deletion (i.e. Y or N). Boolean
toBeDeletedOn The date when the record will be deleted. String
updatedDate The date when last modification to the entry was made String
updatedDateTp The date when last modification to the entry was made in TP String legacyId
versionGroupName The name of the version group (or market version) of the software. A version group contains one or more versions, one of which is the major version String
versionGroupOrder A number that indicates the sequential order by which this particular version was released. Int
versionGroupTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for software version group Int legacyId
productData The Product of the VersionGroup product


Custom Sub Types


The supportStageData

Field Description Type Pack/Term
policy The name of the support policy as published by the vendor String
policyLabel PolicyLabel String
stage The name of the support stage or level as published by the vendor String
stageLabel StageLabel String
stageDefinition The definition of the support stage String
manufacturerId The unique identifier for Manufacturer String
endDate The date that marks the end of the support stage/level, normalized to follow BDNA date format String
manufacturerTpId Legacy Technopedia ID for Manufacturer Int legacyId
relSupportStageTpId The unique identifier for software release support stage table Int legacyId
publishedEndDate The date that marks the end of the support stage/level as published by the vendor String
stageOrder The order of the support stage or level Int
